
Let’s add some additional functionality to our recipe app! To get started, check out the starter code for the studio in the part3 directory on the main branch of react-exercises-and-studios . The starter code includes all the components you will need and in App.jsx, all the components are laid out for you. However, if you run the code, you will find that the application does not function as expected! Follow the steps below to complete the application.


In the components directory, you will find Recipe.jsx. This file contains some familiar code to us so start here with editing your app. Pick out a recipe you think would be fun for the studio. Make note of the following:

  1. The recipe’s title
  2. A short description of the recipe
  3. Five ingredients used in the recipe
  4. A link to a photo from the recipe
  5. A link to a photo of the recipe’s author
  6. The author’s name
  7. A link to the author’s website

With all this information at hand, review Recipe.jsx and add each piece of information where it is appropriate. None of this information belongs in another file so you do not need to check out any of the other components just yet. When you feel like you have put everything where it should go, run the app again. It should still have some warnings and errors, so it is time to move on to the next component.


Staying in the components directory, turn your attention to BoardAssignment.jsx. First, brainstorm three boards that the recipe you chose might belong to.

  1. Currently, boards is an empty array. boards should contain three objects representing the three boards that you just brainstormed. Each object must contain a label property and a value property. We will be using these three objects to create a dropdown menu that a user can select the board they want to save the recipe to.
  2. With all the options we want to display in our dropdown in boards, we need to use map() to set up an <option> tag for each item in boards. The <option> tags go between <select> and </select> and have this general structure: <option value={appropriate value}>{appropriate label}</option>. This is just a dropdown so now we need to handle whatever the user ends up choosing.
  3. In the <select> tag, the starter code comes with the necessary attributes for dealing with the user’s selection. However, handleChange() is empty and boardName is never declared. Start with boardName by declaring it as a state variable with a state setter function called setName() and making use of the useState hook. Set the initial value of boardName to 'no boards yet!'.
  4. handleChange() is the other key part in changing the state of boardName. Update the value of boardName to the value of

While we have set up BoardAssignment to update some HTML so the user’s selection is displayed, the app will still have issues when run. Let’s work on the final component so we can get this app running perfectly!


Time to finish the final component! In StatusChange.jsx, we have some empty methods and some HTML, but we have even more to do.

  1. Use useState to set up two state variables: notes and recipeStatus. The initial value of notes should be an empty string and the initial value of recipeStatus should be false.
  2. For handleChange(), update the value of notes to
  3. For handleSubmit(), first use event.preventDefault() to make sure the user’s notes aren’t immediately lost and update the value of recipeStatus to true.
  4. Update the HTML in the return statement so that it uses the value of notes and displays a different message if recipeStatus is true.

Run the application! You should be able to change the board the recipe belongs to and add notes to the recipe once you have tried it out yourself.

Submit Your Work

Once you are done with the studio, push your work to Github and submit the link to your repo on Canvas.