Studio: HTTP and Forms


This chapter taught you that forms submit data in HTTP requests. This studio uses form and HTTP concepts to build a search engine selector, that is, a search form that allows a user to choose which search engine they would like to use. It will look like this:

A form with a text input and radio buttons corresponding to various search engines. A form with a text input and radio buttons corresponding to various search engines.

Most search engines work the same way. The have a single text input, and they submit data using a GET request. Additionally, many of the most popular search engines also use the same name for the search parameter, q.

Try It!

Use 2-3 different search engines to search for the same term. On the results page, look at the URL. Did the search happen via GET or POST? If a GET request was made, what is the name of the parameter containing your search term?

Note: You may have to copy/paste the URL into a text editor to find the search parameter. Some engines add other parameters to the URL, causing it to extend past the end of the browser’s address bar.


We remarked previously that most forms use POST because they cause data to be changed on the server. A web search only retrieves data. It does not change data. Therefore it’s safe to use a GET request for searches.

The fact that most search engines use the name q for their search boxes will allow us to easily create a form that is capable of sending a search request to several search engines.

The form will send a request with query parameter q to the selected engine. Since this request looks essentially the same as requests coming from the search engine’s own form (for example, at ) it will give us back the results the same as if we had searched via those sites.

Getting Started

  1. Open the javascript-projects/user-input-with-forms/studio directory to get started.

Create Form Inputs

Let’s build out the form in index.html. We will need some data for the search engines we want to work with.

Search Engine Options

LabelValueSearch URL
  1. Create a text input within the form and set its name attribute to the value "q".
  2. Create a radio group with one radio button for each search engine. Recall that radio buttons with the same name are grouped, so use the same value for this attribute, "engine", on each radio button.
  3. Create a label element for each radio button.
  4. Finally, add a submit button to the form and set it’s value to "Go!".

How is the value attribute of a submit button used?

Submit Event Handler

Pop quiz:


What happens if you try to submit the form at this point? Why?


Which HTTP method will be used when submitting the form?

We now have a form with inputs that has nowhere to send its data. The action attribute determines where a form submits data, but we can’t set the action attribute on the form in our HTML. Our form needs to submit data to a different site based on the selected search engine.

To make this happen, we need to set the value of the form’s action after the user hits the submit button, but before the form request is sent. Forms trigger a submit event at precisely this moment. Therefore, we can create an event handler to solve this problem. Our handler will:

  1. Retrieve the selected value from the radio group.
  2. Use this value to determine the action URL, based on the selected search engine.
  3. Set the action attribute of the form.

Create and Register the Handler

Within the <script> element near the top of the file, create a function named setSearchEngine. We will code this function later, so for now just add a console.log statement so we can see when it runs.

Near the bottom of the <script> element is the stub:

window.addEventListener('load', function(){
    // TODO: register the handler

Replace the TODO with code to add setSearchEngine as a handler to the form’s submit event. You will first need to get the form element using one of the DOM methods.


The event handler can be added only after the form has been built, so we do so by adding a load event handler to the window. This ensures that the event is registered after the page has loaded.

Before moving on, make sure the code you just wrote works. Submit the form and look for a message in the console to verify that setSearchEngine ran.

Set the action

Our event handler now runs when the form is submitted, but it doesn’t do anything. We would like it to set the action on the form based on the user’s choice of search engine.

Add code to setSearchEngine to get the selected radio button element, using document.querySelector. The selector you’ll need is a little complicated, so we’ll give it to you here:


This compound CSS selector combines an attribute selector with a pseudo selector. The attribute selector input[name=engine] matches all input elements with the attribute name equal to "engine". The pseudo selector :checked specifies that we only want the selected element from that group of matches. Combined, the selector gives us the selected element in the radio group.

Once you have the selected radio button, get its value using .value. The value tells us which search engine the user has chosen.

At this stage, we could use a large if/else if/else statement to determine the URL for the selected search engine.

let actionURL;

if (engine === "google") {
    actionURL = "";
} else if (engine === "bing") {
    actionURL = "";

// ... and so on ...

This is ugly and inefficient. A better approach is to create an object to store the engine values and URLs as key/value pairs. For a single engine, the object would look like:

let actions = {
    "google": ""

Add this to your code, and fill it out to include the other three engines.

Now, you can get the action URL using action, bracket notation, and the value of the selected radio button. Once you have the action URL, find the form element and set its action using setAttribute.

If everything went well, your search engine selector page should now work! If not, that’s okay. Switch to debugging mode and figure out what needs fixing.

Bonus Missions

  1. Add validation to your submit handler to make sure that the user has both selected a search engine and entered a (non-empty) search term.
  2. Add some CSS rules to your page to make it look nice.