Task 2: Add and Organize Scoring Algorithms

Your job here is to write two other scoring algorithms for the Scrabble player.

  1. simpleScorer: Define a function that takes a word as a parameter and returns a numerical score. Each letter within the word is worth 1 point.
  2. vowelBonusScorer: Define a function that takes a word as a parameter and returns a score. Each vowel within the word is worth 3 points, and each consonant is worth 1 point.

Make each scoring algorithm case insensitive, meaning that they should all ignore case when assigning points.

Once you’ve written these scoring functions, organize all three of the scoring options into an array. Your program will use the scoringAlgorithms array to retrieve information about the three scoring algorithms and convey that information to the user.

  1. Finish writing the scoringAlgorithms array. It should be populated with three objects, one for each of the three scoring options. Each object should contain three keys: name, description, and scoringFunction.

  2. Examine the table for the information to store in name and description. The scoringFunction for each object should be the name of one of the three scoring algorithms already defined.

    NameDescriptionScore Function
    Simple ScoreEach letter is worth 1 point.A function with a parameter for user input that returns a score.
    Bonus VowelsVowels are 3 pts, consonants are 1 pt.A function that returns a score based on the number of vowels and consonants.
    ScrabbleThe traditional scoring algorithm.Uses the oldScrabbleScorer() function to determine the score for a given word.
  3. Finish writing scorerPrompt() so that the user can select which scoring algorithm to use when the program scores their word. Use the selected algorithm to determine the score for the word:

    1. If the user enters 0, have the program output a score using the simple scorer.
    2. If the user enters 1, use the vowel bonus scoring function.
    3. If the user enters 2, use the Scrabble scoring option.

    scorerPrompt() should return the object the user has selected.


    Your scoringAlgorithms structure now holds all of the scoring information required for the program.

    To access a scoring object and its properties, use a combination of bracket notation and dot notation.

    Here is an example:

       // Simple scoring
       console.log("algorithm name: ", scoringAlgorithms[0].name);
       console.log("scoringFunction result: ", scoringAlgorithms[0].scoringFunction("JavaScript"));

    Console Output

       algorithm name:  Simple Score
       scoringFunction result:  10
  4. Call scorerPrompt() inside of runProgram() so that the program asks the user for a scoring algorithm after prompting for a word. Use the scoring object returned from scorerPrompt() to score the user’s word and let the user know what score their word receives.

Before moving forward, your running program should behave roughly like this:

   $ node index
   Let's play some Scrabble!

   Enter a word to score: coconut
   Which scoring algorithm would you like to use?

   0 - Simple: One point per character
   1 - Vowel Bonus: Vowels are worth 3 points
   2 - Scrabble: Uses scrabble point system
   Enter 0, 1, or 2: 0
   Score for 'coconut': 7