
Getting Started:

Check out the starter code for the exercises-2 in the part2 directory on the main branch of react-exercises-and-studios

Code Review

  1. App is returning 2 components: Profile and Banner.
  2. Open the components directory to see what it contains.
    1. You should see the following files:

      • Banner.jsx
        • Creates a banner for the application
      • Button.jsx
        • Creates a button for the application that uses the alert Window method.
      • oceans.json
        • holds multiple objects, which we will use in our application
      • Profile.jsx
        • Will become a list template that holds an image, name, facts, and a button for each json object in oceans.json.
      • styles.css contains the styling we will add to our application.

      These are the files we will be working with for this project.

Part 1: The Banner Component

We would like to update the Banner.jsx to fit the application better.

  1. Update the Banner function to return an level header that says “The Amazing Ocean” instead of “Hello World!”.
  2. Apply the CSS styling for header.
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Part 2: Button.jsx

We would like the button to do something. Right now, when you click on it nothing happens. For this application, we will create an alert method that will share a message with a water or ocean theme.

  1. Inside the Button function, create a new function called onLearnMore. This function will hold the alert method. Your method should display a message like “Slipsh Splash” or something related to the ocean or water.
  2. Update the return statement of the Button function. It should activate the onLearnMore alert when clicked.
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Part 3: Profiles Component

This last component will create a list of profile objects. Each profile object will contain headers, an image, a list, and a button. We will use the map function to help us create this list.

There are a lot of steps to make these profile objects. We are going to work on each part separately.

A. Create the listItems function

  1. Open the oceans.json file. It contains 7 JSON objects. Each object has multiple key/value pairs, such as a name and image. We will use these key/value pairs to create our list.
  2. Import the oceans.json file. Give it a meaningful alias, such as oceans.
  3. In the Profile function, remove the <h3> placeholder, but keep the <Button />.
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B. Add the Profile Image

Each profile object will have an emoji to represent it.

  1. We will use map to help us iterate through the image values in the JSON file.
    1. Declare a variable called listItem and instantiate it equal to oceans.map().
    2. Set the callback parameter of listItem to ocean =>.
    3. The map function should return ocean which will include all elements required to create a profile object.
  2. Each profile will be contained in its own <div>. To keep each <div> unique, we will need to add a key which is set to the id property of each JSON object. We are working with JSON objects, so you will need curly braces.
  3. Using an image tag, set the src attribute equal to the image’s url. This is stored in the JSON file. The alt attribute should be set to the name property.
  4. The starter code contains some CSS styling for the image called img. Apply the styling to the image by using the className attribute.
  5. Make sure we have all the correct closing tags.
  6. The Profile function needs to return an list of listItems and the <Button />.
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C. Background Colors

  1. Before we start adding more details, let’s add some styling to help us visualize our list.

  2. In the same <div> where you declared the key, add the styling “profile”.

  3. You should see a small window of color for each emoji. There should be space between each block.

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  4. Let’s use the background colors to help organize ocean creatures by type. If the creature is a fish, apply the isAFish styling. Else, keep the profile styling. Use the fishCheck property of the JSON file to add conditional rendering to this project.

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D. Names

  1. Let’s add names to the profile objects.

  2. Create an <h1> tag to display the name property of the JSON file.

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E. Fun Facts

Inside the JSON file, you will see that each JSON object has 3 facts. We are going to share those facts in a list within the profile.

  1. Create a new header for the name of your list. Make sure that is smaller than the name.

  2. You decide if you want an ordered list or unordered list.

  3. Each list element should be a fact property.

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F. Learn More

  1. Let’s move the button into each profile object.

    1. Relocate <Button /> inside listItems below the list of fun facts.
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G. OPTIONAL Code Clean Up

Since Profile is no longer returning multiple elements, you can remove the unnecessary fragment tags.

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Final Steps

Congrats you have used the map function to iterate through a collection of JSON objects to create small profiles of various creatures found in the ocean.

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