
In the functions chapter , we saw that where variables are declared and initialized in the code affects when they can be used. This idea is called scope, and it describes the ability of a program to access or modify a variable.

let a = 0;

function coolFunction() {
    let b = 2;
    return a + b;

a is accessible inside and outside of coolFunction().

b is only accessible inside of coolFunction().

Let’s add some console.log statements to explore this code snippet.

let a = 0;

function coolFunction() {
    let b = 2;
    console.log(`a = ${a}, b = ${b}.`);
    return a + b;

a += 1;


Console Output

a = 1, b = 2.
ReferenceError: b is not defined
  1. Lines 2 and 11 print the initial and incremented values of a.
  2. Line 13 calls coolFunction(), and line 6 prints the values of a and b. This shows that both variables are accessible within the function.
  3. Line 14 throws a ReferenceError, showing that b is not accessible outside of coolFunction.

Block/Local Scope

Local scope refers to variables declared and initialized inside a function or block. A locally scoped variable can only be referenced inside of the block or function where it is defined. In the example above, b has a local scope limited to coolFunction(). Referencing or attempting to update b outside of the function leads to a scoping error.

Try it!

The following code block has an error related to scope. Try to fix it!

function myFunction() {
    let i = 10;
    return 10 + i;


Global Scope

Global scope refers to variables declared and initialized outside of a function and in the main body of the file. These variables are accessible to any function within a file. In the first example above, a has global scope.

Global scope is the default in JavaScript. If you assign a value to a variable WITHOUT first declaring it with let or const, then the variable automatically becomes global.


// Code here CAN use newVariable.

function coolFunction() {
    newVariable = 5;
    return newVariable;

// Code here CAN use newVariable.

In the loop for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++), leaving off the let from i = 0 means that i is treated as a global variable. ANY other portion of the program can access or modify i, which could disrupt how well the loop operates.

Execution Context

Execution context refers to the conditions under which a variable is executed—its scope. Scoping affects the variable’s behavior at runtime. When the code is run in the browser, everything is first run at a global context. As the compiler processes the code and finds a function, it shifts into the function context before returning to global execution context.

Let’s consider this code:

let a = 0;

function coolFunction() {
    let b = 2;
    return a + b;

function coolerFunction() {
    let c = 5;
    c += coolFunction();
    return c;


Now, let’s consider the execution context for each step.

  1. First, the global execution context is entered as the compiler executes the code.

Figure showing global execution context at the bottom of the stack. Figure showing global execution context at the bottom of the stack.

  1. Once coolFunction() is hit, the compiler creates and executes coolFunction() under the coolFunction() execution context.

Figure showing coolFunction on top of global execution context. Figure showing coolFunction on top of global execution context.

  1. Upon completion, the compiler returns to the global execution context.

Figure showing global execution context at the bottom of the stack. Figure showing global execution context at the bottom of the stack.

  1. The compiler stays at the global execution context until the creation and execution of coolerFunction().

Figure showing coolerFunction on top of the global execution context. Figure showing coolerFunction on top of the global execution context.

  1. Inside of coolerFunction() is a call to coolFunction(). The compiler will go up in execution context to coolFunction() before returning down to coolerFunction()’s execution context. Upon completion of that function, the compiler returns to the global execution context.

Figure showing coolFunction on top of coolerFunction on top of the global execution context. Figure showing coolFunction on top of coolerFunction on top of the global execution context.

Figure showing coolerFunction on top of the global execution context. Figure showing coolerFunction on top of the global execution context.

Figure showing global execution context at the bottom of the stack. Figure showing global execution context at the bottom of the stack.

Check Your Understanding

Both of the concept checks refer to the following code block:

function myFunction(n) {
    let a = 100;
    return a + n;

let x = 0;

x = myFunction(x);

What scope is variable x?

  1. Global
  2. Local

In what order will the compiler execute the code?