
Time to make a React app to share a hobby you love with your friends and family!


The solution in the react-part3-exercises-vite branch of the react-exercises-and-studios repo uses needlepoint as an example hobby. Whenever you see a reference to needlepoint in the solution to the exercises, substitute it for your own chosen hobby.

  1. Create a new application called exercises in the part3 directory in the react-exercises-and-studios repo.

  2. In App.jsx, remove the boilerplate content as you have done in previous lessons. Replace it with an <h1> heading that says “My Hobby: " with your hobby coming after the colon.

    <div className="App">
       <h1>My Hobby: Needlepoint</h1>
  3. Create a new components directory in src.

  4. Create a new file called Introduction.jsx in components and inside create a new functional component called HobbyIntroduction.

    export default function HobbyIntroduction () {
  5. This functional component return a <div> that contains the following:

    1. An <h2> heading that says something to the effect of “3 Fun Facts About this Hobby”.
    2. An ordered list that contains three facts that you want others to know about your chosen hobby.
  6. Import and Call the new HobbyIntroduction component under your <h1> heading in App.jsx.

    <div className="App">
       <h1>My Hobby: Needlepoint</h1>
       <HobbyIntroduction />
  7. Run the application to see your new fun facts! Once you are satisfied, turn off the server so we can practice with state.

  8. Inside src, create a new file called data.json. We are going to use this file to make a small gallery of images of projects or plans you have for your hobby. Inside this file, set up a new list of JSON objects called projects. Your list should contain 5 JSON objects and each one should have 4 properties that make sense with what your hobby is.

    Here is an example of what an object looks like for those making their app about needlepoint.

       "canvas": "Fox",
       "designer": "Pip and Roo",
       "photoUrl": "long URL",
       "alt": "Stitched fox with fluffy tail"
  9. Create a new file called Projects.jsx in components. This file will hold a functional component called MyProjects.

  10. Import the data from data.json and useState from 'react' at the top of Projects.jsx.

    import data from './../data.json';
    import { useState } from 'react';
  11. Inside the MyProjects component, start by setting up a state variable for the index so we can loop through our list of projects. You can do this with the following code: const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);.

  12. Now we need to set up some local variables and a return statement.

    1. First, set up a JavaScript variable that contains your list from data.json. Then set up a variable that contains the item in that list at the position determined by index.
    2. Inside return, set up a button that contains the text, “Next”. Set the onClick attribute to {handleClick}.
    3. Below your button, add HTML that will nicely display all four properties of your JSON objects.
  13. Finally, above the return statement, we need to set up handleClick() like so:

    function handleClick() {
       if (index < data.projects.length-1)
          setIndex(index + 1);
  14. Return to App.jsx and call the completed MyProjects component below HobbyIntroduction. Run the application to see your new gallery! Hit the Next button to see state in action!

Submitting Your Work

Commit and push your work to GitHub and submit the link to your repository on the assignment page in Canvas.