Task 1: Initial Prompt

  1. Modify the provided initialPrompt() function to prompt the user to enter a word to score.
  2. Use the oldScrabbleScorer() function provided to score the word provided by the user. Print the result to the console.

Before you move on, be sure you’re on the right track. At this point, your program should have an output like this:

   $ node index
   Let's play some Scrabble!

   Enter a word to score: pineapple
   Points for 'P': 3
   Points for 'I': 1
   Points for 'N': 1
   Points for 'E': 1
   Points for 'A': 1
   Points for 'P': 3
   Points for 'P': 3
   Points for 'L': 1
   Points for 'E': 1