
As a user of the web, you know that web pages both display and accept data. In this chapter we are going to learn more about how web pages handle data input using HTML forms. An HTML form is used to accept input from the user and send that data to the server.

Create a Form

To declare a form in HTML use the <form> tag with open and closing tags. This form element will serve as container for various types of other elements that are designed to capture input from the user.

        <title>Form Example</title>
        <!-- empty form -->

An empty <form></form> will not appear on a web page until inputs have been added inside of it. Below we have added one basic <input> tag.

        <title>Form Example</title>
        <input type="text"/>

Input Element

The input element is used to add interactive fields, which allow the user to enter data. input elements have two very important attributes: name and type.

  • The name attribute is used to identify the input’s value when the data is submitted
  • The type attribute defines which type of value of the input represents
<input type="text" name="username"/>

Notice that <input type="text"/> tags are self closing. Self-closing tags are single tags with /> at the end.


Values are NOT submitted for an <input> unless it has a name attribute.


Forms normally contain more than one input. <label> tags are used to provide a textual label, which informs the user of the purpose of the field. The simplest usage of <label> tags is to wrap them around <input> tags.

        <title>Form Example</title>
        <label>Username <input type="text" name="username"/></label>
        <label>Team Name <input type="text" name="team"/></label>

HTML that includes a form tag with two input elements. Each element is inside of a label element. HTML that includes a form tag with two input elements. Each element is inside of a label element.

A second way to relate a <label> tag to an <input> is to use the id attribute of input and the for attribute of label. The two are related by setting for in <label for="username"> equal to the id of <input id="username">, these two attributes must be EQUAL. When for is used, the <input> does NOT have to be inside of the <label>.

<label for="username">Username</label>
<input id="username" name="username" type="text"/>

What happens when a <label> is clicked? The answer depends on what the <label> is associated to.

For text inputs, when the label is clicked, then the input gains focus. An element with focus is currently selected by the browser and ready to receive input.


Try clicking on the Username and Team Name labels below. What happens?

    <label>Username <input type="text" name="username"/></label>
    <label>Team Name <input type="text" name="team"/></label>

For non-text inputs, when the label is clicked, a value is selected. This behavior can be seen with radio and checkbox elements which we will learn more about soon.


Click on the label text to the associated checkbox input element to gain focus.

    <label>Subscribe to Newsletter
    <input type="checkbox" name="newsletter"/>

Value Attribute

The value attribute of an <input> tag can be used to set the default value. If the value attribute is declared, then the browser will show that value in the input. The user can choose to update the value by typing in the input box.


Input with default value of JavaScript.

    <label>Language <input name="language" type="text" value="JavaScript"/></label>

Check Your Understanding


What is the purpose of the name attribute for input elements?


Which input attribute sets the default value?