Chapter 5: Making Decisions with Conditionals

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how common boolean expressions are evaluated
  2. Use boolean expression to create conditional statements
  3. Debug simple programs and recognize common errors
  4. Explain what a boolean value is
  5. Explain what logical operators are
  6. Understand truth tables for binary boolean operators && and ||

Key Terminology

Here are the key terms for this chapter. On the pages that they appear make note of what they are and their definitions.


  1. data type
  2. true, false
  3. type conversion
  4. ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=


  1. equality
  2. ==
  3. ===
  4. !==

Logical Operators

  1. operators
  2. &&
  3. ||


  1. conditional
  2. if
  3. if-else
  4. else if
  5. branching