CSS Rules

Below are some examples of common CSS properties and what they do. It is by no means an exhaustive list of CSS properties, but it is a good place to start.

Good CSS Properties to Know

CSS PropertyDefinitionDefault Value
font-sizeChanges the size of the font.medium or 20px
colorChanges the text color.black
font-familyChanges the font types.Depends on the browser
background-colorSets the color of the background of an element.transparent
text-alignAligns the text within an element.left

CSS Example

Adding CSS to the HTML page about Space Plants is the logical next step in building a website about this cool discovery. The astronauts building the site used the body, h1, and p selectors to change some of the styling of those elements.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Plant-Loving Astronauts</title>
        body {
            background-color: cornflowerblue;
        h1 {
            color: green;
        p {
            font-size: 18px;
        <h1>Space Plants Are Cool</h1>
        <p>NASA discovers that plants can live in <b>outer space</b>. More innovations from this discovery to follow.</p>
        <img src = "space-flower.jpg" alt = "Flower floating in space.">
        <!-- This image was taken by NASA and is in the Public Domain -->

Made the background color blue, the heading green, and the paragraph text 18 pt. font of the website in the previous chapter about space plants. Made the background color blue, the heading green, and the paragraph text 18 pt. font of the website in the previous chapter about space plants.

Check Your Understanding


Find a CSS property and give its name, definition, and default value. Please do NOT use one of the ones above.