
In this studio, you will make a second Pinterest-inspired application. This studio will add conditional rendering and the map function to the project.

The app you complete in this studio will have the following functionality:

  1. A star rating component that can be updated to display 0 - 5 stars.
  2. The ability to mimic the Save vs Saved button on a Pinterest pin using conditional rendering.
  3. Displaying specific recipe information using the map function, if necessary, and a JSON file.
  4. CSS styling has been created for this project. The instructions will let you know what and how to style elements.

Getting Started

  1. Check out the application in the part2/studio directory from the exercises and studio repo.

  2. Explore the codebase.

    1. Look at the App function.

      1. You can see the list of components.

        export default function App() {
           return (
                 <RecipeImage />
                 <RecipeName />
                 <RateARecipe rating={5} />
                 <Button saveButton={true} />
                 <AuthorInfo />
                 <IngredientList />
      2. Notice that both RateARecipe and Button have variables. RateARecipe takes a number and Button takes a boolean.

      We will be providing the code (hard coding) for this app to render conditionally. Keep that in mind as you work on this studio. Test things by changing these variables here.

    2. In the components folder:

      1. Open the recipe.json file and populate the values with data from a recipe you find online. This can be the same recipe you used in Part 1 or a new recipe.
      2. Save the file.

Part 1: RateARecipe

Desired Output: The RateARecipe function should return 0-5 stars. The number of stars rendered will be determined by passing the function an argument.

  1. Open the RateARecipe.jsx file inside the components folder. You will see an array of star emojis. These will be our rating system for the Pin.

  2. Inside RateARecipe create a new function, that will also take props.

    1. Let’s name it GiveRating. This function will return the number of stars passed to RateARecipe.

    2. GiveRating will use the number passed to RateARecipe to index through the stars array. You will need to apply some math to make the array output match the number of stars rendered.

    3. Return the rating at least an <h3> level header.

      function GiveRating() {
         return <h3>{stars[props.rating - 1]}</h3>;

    GiveRating is nested inside RateARecipe and is returning the number of stars. Next, let’s add a conditional to make sure a user only provides a number between 1-5.

  3. Create a ternary that checks the value of props. If the number is between 1 and 5, then render GiveRating else render null.

  4. Test this in the App function by updating the value of rating.

Part 2: Buttons

Let’s explore the buttons! A Pinterest pin has a red button with the word “Save” printed on it. When a user clicks that button, it switches to black with the word “Saved”.

There are 3 components for the buttons.

  • SaveButton and ClickedButton render the buttons in the browser. Both of these components contain an alert to verify we can click each button.
  • The Button component will render either button based on a conditional. We will be using a boolean in the App function to serve as our “click”


Desired Output: A Red button with rounded corners which reads “Save” in white letters. If you hover over it, the red changes to a darker red. When you click the button, a pop appears that reads “You are saving this pin!”.

This button has already been created. You can use its code to help you create ClickedButton component.

  1. Open the SaveButton file and explore the code. An alert has been added to demonstrate that you clicked the button.
  2. When you click the Save button on a Pinterest pin, it will share a notification that you Saved the pin to a board.
  3. The button class contains an id for the CSS needed to make the button red. The CSS has already been created in the styling.css. The styling also changes when you hover over the button. It’s unique to this button.
Tip for Testing

If you want to check how SaveButton works, you can nest it inside the App function. You can try this with any of the components you are creating.

Be sure to remove it once you have a working Button component.


Desired Output: A black button with rounded corners. The word has changed to “Saved”. When you click on this button a message about removing the pin appears.

  1. Move into ClickedButton.jsx. It should function like the Save button, but it should display “Saved” instead of “Save”, and be black instead of red.
  2. For the styling, you can apply clickedButton as the id. This is found in the CSS styling which will need to be imported.
  3. It should also have an alert that lets a user know that when you click it the pin is removed from the board.


Desired Output: Returns either SaveButton or ClickedButton based on the boolean value.

This function will hold the logic that will determine which button will appear in the browser.
You will need to create a conditional that will render SaveButton or ClickedButton.

  1. Button function should take an argument, such as props.

  2. Create a variable that defines the props. Name the variable saveButton.

    const saveButton = props.saveButton;
  3. Create a conditional that does the following:

    1. If the saveButton variable is true, then SaveButton will render
    2. else ClickedButton will appear.
  4. In the App function, the Button component has saveButton equal to true.

  5. Test the conditional by changing saveButton in the App function to false.

Part 3: Add the Recipe Data

The remaining components will be using the recipe.json file. You will need to import this file into each component. We can also use the map function to find the desired keys if it makes sense to you.

Recipe Name

Desired Output: This function needs to return the recipe name as an <h1> level header.

  1. Open the RecipeName component.
  2. Render the recipe’s name as an <h1> level header.
  3. return the recipeName variable.


Desired Output: Returns the image of the recipe from the JSON.

  1. Import the recipe JSON file.
  2. Find the recipeImage.
    1. Use the <img> tag. You can pass the recipe name to the alt text value.
    2. Styling has been created for the image. If you would like to apply it set the className equal to recipeImage.
  3. Return recipeImage inside its own <div>.

Ingredient Lists

Desired Output: Create an unordered list of ingredients.

This component will map over a list of ingredients. The ingredients are contained within an array inside our JSON object. We will create a map function to iterate through the array of ingredients.

  1. Import the recipe.
  2. IngredientsList will return a single <div> that holds an <h3>Ingredients</h3> header.
  3. Create a list object by placing our map inside curly braces. In the other components, we used a variable to hold our map output. In this component, we will return the list as we render it.
  4. The map function will iterate through the ingredients using id as a key.

Author Info

Desired Output: A single component that returns the author’s name, image, and URL. There is CSS for the image that you can set if you desire.

  1. Import the recipe and styling.

  2. Let’s start by creating a variable that will return the author’s name. Create a <div> that returns the value of the author. You can set the key equal to the name.

  3. Create a second variable that will use the map function to return the author’s image.

    1. Set the alt text equal to the author’s name.
    2. Apply the authorImage as the className.
  4. Finally, create the final variable that will host the URL. Return the link using the <a> tag. The URL can be the context between the opening and closing tags.

  5. Return all variables in a final <div>.

       return (

Wrapping Up

Congrats! You’ve finished the studio! Make sure that you stage, commit, and push your work up to GitHub.