WFS Request by Date Range

In the previous task we let the user make a new WFS request based on entering in one date, and then we made a new filter that matched their date with a specific date in geoserver and then would render a layer based on the data for that specific date.

Let’s expand on this idea further and give the user the ability to select a range of dates, by selecting a start date, and an end date. We will then create a WFS request that will check for report_dates in that range using an IsBetween Filter

Geoserver Information

You will need some information about your geoserver container in order to make the WFS().writeFeature request object, and to make the network request.

  • geoserver namespace: ''
  • geoserver prefix: 'zika'
  • geoserver Types: ['locations_with_cases_by_date']
  • geoserver output format: 'application/json'
  • geoserver srs name: Your map projection
  • geoserver WFS URL: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/zika/wfs'

This information will be necessary for you to make the WFS write feature request and the network request that are necessary to receive a feature collection represented by geojson which can be loaded into the source of a layer.

Take Inventory

  • we will need two select boxes that are filled with valid dates
  • we will need a button to send the request
  • register a new click event handler for the button
  • make a new WFS().getFeatures() request with the dates selected by the user in the select elements
  • fire a fetch() request to geoserver using the new WFS().getFeatures() request
  • load the returned data into the source of the layer created for zika reports