GIS DevOps
Week 1 - Day 1: Welcome, Setup
Week 1 - Day 2: Terminal, Shell, Git
Week 1 - Day 3: Shell, Git, SQL
Week 1 - Day 4: SQL, HTTP
Week 1 - Day 5: HTTP, Docker
Week 2 - Day 1: HTML, CSS, Browser DevTools
Week 2 - Day 2: HTML/CSS Template, JavaScript Introduction
Week 2 - Day 3: Programming Fundamentals, JavaScript, DOM
Week 2 - Day 4: JS, DOM, Promises, AJAX
Week 2 - Day 5: Promises, AJAX, HTTP
Week 3 - Day 1: Java, OOP
Week 3 - Day 2: Spring Boot, Controllers, Routes
Week 3 - Day 3: Models, ORM (Hibernate)
Week 3 - Day 4: Persistence, ORM Relationships
Week 3 - Day 5: Review
Week 4 - Day 1: Git, GitLab, IntelliJ, Refactoring, Unit Testing
Week 4 - Day 2: Security, Test-driven development
Week 4 - Day 3: Integration testing, dependency injection
Week 4 - Day 4: Postgres, Spring Data, JPA, Hibernate
Week 4 - Day 5: AJAX, Open Layers
Week 5 - Project Week: Zika Mission Control
Week 6 - Day 1: RESTful web services
Week 6 - Day 2: Swagger REST framework
Week 6 - Day 3: Intro to Elasticsearch
Week 6 - Day 4: More Elasticsearch, Integrating ES with Spring
Week 6 - Day 5: ES2015, ESLint, OpenLayers
Week 7 - Project Week: Zika Mission Control Part 2
Week 8 - Day 1: Intro to DevOps/AWS
Week 8 - Day 2: More with AWS
Week 8 - Day 3: 12 Factor Apps and Auto Scaling
Week 8 - Day 4: Gradle, Continuous Integration
Week 8 - Day 5: Sonarqube
Week 9 - Project Week: Zika Mission Control Part 3
Week 11 - Project Week: Zika Mission Control Part 4
Week 12 - Day 3: Intro to Docker
Week 12 - Day 4: OAuth 2.0
Week 12 - Day 5: Certificates
Walkthrough: Intro to AWS
Walkthrough: RDS
Client Certificates
Deploy Zika Client to S3
Walkthrough: Intro to Curl
Walkthrough: Intro to Docker
Walkthrough: Elasticsearch in Spring
Walkthrough: Elasticsearch
Walkthrough: Elasticsearch Part 2
Walkthrough: ESLint Airwaze
Walkthrough: Git and Gitlab
Walkthrough: Gradle
Walkthrough: Hashing and Salting Passwords
Walkthrough: CI/CD With Jenkins
Walkthrough: LaunchCart REST
NGINX as a Proxy to Spring Apache Tomcat
Visual OAuth
Walkthrough: OpenLayers and jQuery
Walkthrough: PostgreSQL
Walkthrough: Sonarqube
Walkthrough: Cars Demo - Spring Data, JPA, Hibernate
Walkthrough: Spring Integration Tests
Spring Postgres Integration
Walkthrough: SwaggerUI via SpringFox
Walkthrough: SwaggerUI
Walkthrough: TDD
Todo Tasks Deployment Single EC2
Running a Java Application as a Linux Service
Walkthrough: Unit Tests
Walkthrough: Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.x
Watch a Todo Tasks Deployment
Studio: Airwaze
Studio: AWS Devops Basics
Scaling horizontally AutoScaling Group
Curl Studio
Elasticsearch Query Studio
Elasticsearch Queries Studio 2
Studio: JUnit
Studio: LaunchCart REST
Studio: LaunchCart Part 1
Studio: LaunchCart Part 2
Studio: OpenLayers ES2015 Workshop
Studio: Springfox and Swagger
Studio: Test-Driven Development
Project: Deploy Map Notes to a Single EC2
Project: Map Notes API
Project: Mapnotes API Jenkins Pipeline
Project: Map Notes Backed by AWS RDS
Project: Zika Client REST
Project: Zika Client
Installation: Essential Tooling & Configuration
Installation: Docker
Installation: Docker PSQL Container
Installation: Docker PostGIS
Installation: Docker Elasticsearch
Installation: Docker Kibana
Installation: Docker Jenkins
Configuration: IntelliJ
Configuration: IntelliJ - Runtime Configuration
Configuration: Environment Variables - IntelliJ
Configuration: Spring & Elasticsearch
Configuration: Spring & Postgres
Configuration: Visual Studio Code - ESLint
Week 1 - Day 4: SQL, HTTP
Week 1 - Day 4: SQL, HTTP
SQL Overview
SQL Walkthrough
HTTP Lesson Content
HTTP Lesson Content