Studio: Test-Driven Development

For this studio, you will create a class to represent URLs as Java objects. You will do this using a test-driven approach.

Getting Started

Fork and clone the tdd-studio repository.

Review terminology for the following URL components at Wikipedia : protocol, domain, path.

Your Tasks

Create two classes:


You will follow a test-driven approach to implement the requirements below. This means that for each requirement, you should write a test before writing any code for that requirement.

Use the red-green-refactor workflow:

  • Write a failing test
  • Write code to get the test to pass
  • Review your code to see if it can be improved, and rerun your tests after each refactor


  • There should be only one Url constructor, and it should take a string (e.g. "") and set domain, protocol, and path fields. Note that protocol and domain will not contain any / characters, but the path may.
  • The three should be immutable. In other words, they should be final and have getters but not setters.
  • The constructor should take mixed-case strings, but set fields as lowercase strings. For example, if passed "HTTPS://LAUNCHCODE.ORG" then calling getDomain() should return "".
  • Url should override toString(), which should return a properly-formatted version of the URL (e.g. "")
  • The string passed to the constructor should satisfy each of the following. If it doesn’t, then the constructor should throw an IllegalArgumentException with an appropriate message.
    • The protocol is one of: ftp, http, https, and file
    • The path may be empty, but domain and protocol must both be non-empty
    • The domain may only contain letters, numbers, ., -, or _


These requirements are not comprehensive of how a URL may be structured, but they encompass a large number of URLs you use on a daily basis.

Bonus Missions

If you implement the above requirements with time to spare, attempt to implement these as well:

  • Add port, query string, and fragment fields with reasonable validation for each
  • Add support for IP addresses in place of domains
