With integration testing our objective is to ensure the technologies work together correctly. In this case that our application can handle HTTP requests, serve HTTP responses and communicate with the database properly.
We will be writing integration tests for the Car example project we have been using throughout this class. You can use your own project assuming you have completed the previous walkthroughs, or you can clone the car-integration-tests repository which is ready to go.
We have some setup we need to perform before we can write and run our integration tests.
We will:
file to use environment variables to externalize our configurationdocker-compose.yml
to create a testing databaseIntergrationTestConfig.java
fileThroughout this class we have been hard coding our development environment properties into our application.properties
file. We should be using environment variables to externalize our database configuration.
You can see where we are using our environment variables by the token ${}. These variables will be inserted by our build tool gradle at run time when we pass in the appropriate environment variables.
We will see this in action when we run our tests.
We will need to create and configure a testing database for our integration tests. You could manually set one up the way we have in the past, but luckily for us this project contains a docker-compose.yml
file which will allow us to create one quickly and easily.
docker-compose up -d
This will command will create a new testing database container.
Check the docker-compose.yml
file. It is creating a testing container on port 5432, before running the command you should double check that nothing is running on that port.
In the root of our testing directory we will need to add a new configuration file that will serve as the base for our future integration tests.
Create src/test/java/org/launchcode/devops/carintegrationtesting/IntegrationTestConfig.java
and add the following:
// package statement omitted
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
public @interface IntegrationTestConfig {}
We won’t spend class time delving into these various annotations, but you can find more information by reading their documentation.
Also you can find some general information by referring to the Spring Testing Web guide.
We will need to create a test file that will hold the integration tests for our /cars
Create car-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/launchcode/devops/carintegrationtesting/controllers/CarsControllerTests.java
and add the following:
// package statement omitted
import org.launchcode.devops.carintegrationtesting.IntegrationTestConfig;
public class CarsControllerTests {
private MockMvc mockRequest;
private CarRepository carRepository;
Currently devoid of tests, but contains the two tools we will need for testing our endpoints. We will be using the MockMvc object to build and send HTTP requests and evaluate the HTTP response. We will be using the CarRepository to access our testing database.
Now that we have configured our application to run integration tests let’s start writing tests.
Looking at the CarsController.java
file we have three endpoints we need to test:
GET /cars
POST /cars
GET /cars/{id}
We will write a test for each of these endpoints in our CarsControllerTests.java
Let’s write the first test for our GET /cars
@DisplayName("GET /cars: returns a JSON list representing the cars collection")
public void getCars() throws Exception {
Let’s break down this test because it’s using the MockMvc type we declared earlier.
: an annotation we have seen many times so far@DisplayName
: an annotation that allows us to configure the output when the test is runthrows Exception
methods that allow us to check the returned HTTP Response objectFor this test our .andExpect()
statements are checking that our HTTP status code is 200, and that the content (body) of our HTTP request is an empty json array.
@DisplayName("POST /cars (PartialCar): creates and returns a JSON representation of the new car entity")
public void createCar() throws Exception {
Car testCar = new Car("Toyota", "Prius", 10, 20);
.content(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(testCar))
This test is creating a POST request, which requires us to attach a JSON body to our HTTP request which we are doing when we make our MockMvcRequest. Our .andExpect()
methods check that the status code is 201, the headers contain “Location” and finally that the .id
property of the returned JSON body is a number.
@DisplayName("GET /cars/{id}: returns a JSON representation of a car entity matching the id path variable")
public void getCarById() throws Exception {
Car testCar = carRepository.save(new Car("Ford", "Mustang", 12, 24));
mockRequest.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(CarsController.ROOT_PATH + "/" + testCar.getId()))
For this test we need to create a new car object in our database, so that we have an id we can make a get with. We are then firing the request with MockMvc and then checking that the HTTP status is 200, the id of the returned JSON car object matches the id of the car we created, and that the make between the JSON and the POJO match.
Finally we need to run our test using the gradle wrapper and we will need to pass in the environment variables that match our testing database:
./gradlew test -D DB_HOST=localhost -D DB_PORT=5432 -D DB_NAME=car_test -D DB_USER=car_test_user -D DB_PASSWORD=password i
From the --help
command for ./gradlew test
option or--system-prop
is the option that allows us to set a system property of the JVM when running gradle tasks.
In this case these system properties match the tokens in our application.properties
file that represent our testing database.