WFS Request for a Specific Date

Our previous task made a WFS request with a hard coded date of 2015-11-28, we want to expand on this idea by allowing our user to choose a date with valid data and to send a new WFS request.

We will have to give them the ability to choose a valid date, and we then we will need to give them the ability to request a new Zika layer from a new WFS request.

Geoserver Information

You will need some information about your geoserver container in order to make the WFS().writeFeature request object, and to make the network request.

  • geoserver namespace: ''
  • geoserver prefix: 'zika'
  • geoserver Types: ['locations_with_cases_by_date']
  • geoserver output format: 'application/json'
  • geoserver srs name: Your map projection
  • geoserver WFS URL: 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/zika/wfs'

This information will be necessary for you to make the WFS write feature request and the network request that are necessary to receive a feature collection represented by geojson which can be loaded into the source of a layer.

Taking Inventory

  • create an HTML select element to hold valid dates
  • populate the HTML select element with valid options representing dates
  • create an event listener that will create a new WFS request, POST it to geoserver, and finally replace the source of zika layer with the new data


Your project came with a CSV file of valid dates. You will need to figure out how to add these dates to an HTML select element.