In this studio, you will be using Docker and Docker Compose to run the Airwaze web app. By setting up Docker and Docker Compose you enable others to easily run your app.
In this studio, you will be relying on the Docker and Docker Compose documentation. Be sure to ask questions when you don’t understand something, but try to use the docs as much as possible. Here are some helpful resources:
Remember that the --link
flag is deprecated for Docker. Please use Docker Compose instead. :-)
docker logs {container name}
show all of the logs written to STDOUT
.docker exec -it {container name}
access to the command line inside the container.At the end of this studio your project should have the following:
docker-compose up
To run Airwaze, you need two different containers:
You will need to create a Dockerfile
to run the Airwaze app. Additionally, you will need a docker-compose.yml
to connect the Airwaze container to the postgis
container. Use existing Docker images to run PostGIS. Here are some Docker commands that we have used in the past to run PostGIS.
For running Postgis, we used the following docker command::
docker run --name "postgis" -p 5432:5432 -d -t --env-file ./env.list kartoza/postgis:10.0-2.4
If you expose the port 5432
on your PostGIS container using the -p 5432:5432
option, you will only be able to connect to it via``psql -h -p 5432 -U airwaze_app_user airwaze``
Settings up databases in Docker can be kind of tricky because they typically require setting up users and a schema before they can be used by an application server. Here is an example docker-compose
file that configure the PostGIS container, note all of the file is not shown.
image: "kartoza/postgis:10.0-2.4"
- "5432:5432"
- POSTGRES_PASS=verysecurepassword
- POSTGRES_USER=airwaze_app_user
command: sh -c "echo \"host all all md5\" >> /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf && /"
Get your Zika CDC Dashboard to run via a docker-compose.yml
For running Elasticsearch, we used the following docker command::
docker run --name "es" -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e ""