
Learning Objectives

Listed below are the competencies you should demonstrate by the time you've completed the associated class's work.

Class 1


  • Identify the main type of content on the WWW
  • Know what HTML stands for
  • Describe the request/response flow defined by HTTP
  • Describe the components of HTML tag structure
  • Describe what an HTML element is, and how an element is related to a tag
  • Name, describe the purpose of, and use common HTML tags: <b>, <em>, <a>, <img>, <br>, <p>, <span>, <div>, <form>
  • Define HTML attributes and how they are used
  • Describe how whitespace in HTML documents affects rendering
  • Describe inline and block display; for common elements identify their default display
  • Describe HTML document structure and associated elements: doctype, <html>, <head>, <body>, <title>
  • Create a properly-structured document head


  • Describe the main functionality provided by a version control system (VCS)
  • Describe the practical applications of this functionality: revision history, collaboration, backup
  • Explain what a repository is
  • Explain what a commit is
  • Describe the basic commit flow and commands: status, add, commit, log
  • Initialize a new Git repository
  • Commit to a local repository
  • Clone a project from a remote Git repository
  • Explain the two Git file status: tracked and untracked
  • Explain what types of changes should be within a commit

Class 2


  • Describe the purpose of, and use additional HTML tags: <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <table>
  • Create HTML comments


  • Explain how CSS allows for separation of display and document structure
  • Describe the 3 locations that style rules may be placed: external, document, inline
  • Use CSS rules at each of the 3 possible locations
  • Describe precedence between CSS rules based on location
  • Use basic CSS rule types: font-size, color, font-family, background-color, text-align, etc
  • Describe the following simple selector types, and situations in which each is preferred: element, ID, class


  • Explain some common use cases for branches
  • Identify the master branch as the default branch for most projects
  • Create a new Git branch
  • Checkout a branch
  • Stash and un-stash changes making up partially-completed work
  • Merge one branch into another
  • Describe what happens when, during a merge, there are conflicting changes in the two branches
  • Describe the common branching strategies of feature branches and long-running branches
  • Describe what is remote repository is
  • Create and push to a remote repository
  • Collaborate with another student on a git project via GitHub

Class 3

How the Web Works

  • Identify the main parts of a URL and describe the role of each: protocol, host, port, path, query parameter, fragment
  • Name the default port(s) for HTTP requests
  • Name the two most common HTTP request types and describe common use cases for each
  • Describe usage of HTTP request headers
  • Provide examples of common request header parameters
  • Describe common HTTP response status codes: 200, 404, 500
  • Describe meaning of HTTP response headers, along with common response headers
  • Describe the role of web servers in providing web content
  • Explain the difference between static and dynamic requests/content
  • Explain what a web application does
  • Identify and explain the basic role of the components of network communication: HTTP, TCP/IP, DNS
  • Explain the flow of an HTTP request made from a web browser

Hello World Flask Application

  • Create a virtual Python environment using conda
  • Activate a virtual environment
  • Install packages into a virtual environment
  • Create and run a basic Flask application

Class 4

  • Create an HTML form using <form>
  • Create form input elements with common types: text, submit, password, email, checkbox, radio
  • Use the name attribute of form inputs to name request parameters
  • Create handlers in Flask for GET and POST request types
  • Use the value attribute to specify the data value that is sent to the server upon form submission
  • Describe the differences between GET and POST, and what each request type should be used for
  • Describe common HTTP status codes by group (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx)
  • Describe the common HTTP status codes: 200, 302, 400, 404, 405, 500
  • Explain why we receive a 405 error when submitting a form to a handler with a decorator like @app.route('/')
  • Use str.format() to create strings from template strings and data values

Class 5

  • Describe why we must validate form submissions, even when providing limited options via a form
  • Describe the various ways that we can control and verify the data that users submit in an HTTP request: form restrictions, client-side validation, server-side validation
  • Describe advantages and disadvantages of both client and server-side validation
  • Validate request data based on numeric range or string length
  • Return descriptive error messages within an HTML page when form data doesn't validate
  • Upon validation errors, render a form with valid data left in-place
  • Describe why HTML escaping is necessary when putting user-submitted data in a response
  • Return a redirect response

Class 6

  • Describe the benefits of using templates
  • Use the Jinja2 template environment
  • Use autoescaping within Jinja2 templates
  • Create stand-alone Jinja2 templates
  • Pass data from request handlers into templates
  • Create Jinja2 templates that use base templates and content blocks
  • Write conditionals and loops within Jinja2 templates

Class 7

  • Explain what relational databases are used for and what SQL is
  • Perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using SQL queries
  • Explain what joins are used for
  • Describe the difference between the four types of joins: inner, left outer, right outer, and full outer
  • Write queries using joins
  • Utilize foreign keys
  • Explain the similarities between Python objects and database tables
  • Create tables with an understanding of one-to-many relationships

Class 8

  • Utilize phpMyAdmin and build a database locally
  • Create a new user and database
  • Import tables using a .sql file
  • Explain how and why data is split into related tables
  • Perform complex SQL queries with joins and subqueries

Class 9

  • Install packages necessary for working with MySQL databases in Flask
  • Configure SQLAlchemy within a Flask application, using Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Create a persistent class by extending SQLAlchemy.Model
  • Create simple properties of type integer, string, and Boolean
  • Create a primary key field on a persistent class
  • Use a Python shell to create database tables based on persistent classes
  • Store persistent classes using SQLAlchemy.sesssion and SQLAlchemy.commit
  • Query for persistent classes using Model.query.all and Model.query.filter_by
  • Destroy and recreate tables for persistent classes after updating a model class

Class 10

  • Create a persistent User class
  • User flash messages to communicate with the user
  • Configure model objects to have one-to-many relationships
  • Use sessions to store state across requests
  • Use sessions to manage the state of a logged in user
  • Use @app.before_request to check for a logged in user

Class 11

  • Describe the data format of cookies
  • Describe how a server-side application can set a cookie in a browser
  • Describe how a browser sends cookies to a server-side application
  • Describe the security risks posed by cookies
  • Set and access cookie values in Flask
  • Describe how session data is stored within cookies

Class 12

  • Describe the respective responsibilities of the model, view, and controller aspects of an application
  • Explain why MVC is a useful pattern for designers
  • Describe the way communication works in MVC - with whom does each component communicate
  • Identify to which components of MVC the technologies you have been using so far relate

Class 13

  • Explain what two-way encryption is, and why it is not ideal for storing sensitive user data, such as passwords
  • Explain what a one-way hash is, and why it presents greater security for storing sensitive user data
  • Describe the characteristics of a good one-way hash function
  • Write code that uses a provided hash function to hash sensitive data
  • Use salting to increase the security of a one-way hash
  • Verify passwords by comparing hash values
  • Describe how hashing can be used to prevent cookie tampering

Class 14

  • Explain what makes a website "responsive" and how Bootstrap helps accomplish this responsiveness
  • Describe how you can incorporate Bootstrap in your website - what files do you need to include, how do you use Bootstrap classes, etc.
  • Explain what are Bootstrap "themes" and how you utilize them
  • Describe some of the HTML elements that Bootstrap can be applied to and how adding a Bootstrap class to these elements will affect their design