Class 6 Prep


Thus far, on the back-end, we have managed HTML by storing it in long strings within our Python code. You probably found this process tedious and annoying. Fortunately, there is a much nicer way of constructing HTML content to send back to the client.

Using what's called a template engine, we can specify our HTML as a "template" inside a regular .html file, and simply leave a few "blank spaces", so to speak, wherever we want to place dynamically-generated content. Then our back-end code simply needs to "fill in the blanks". In this lesson you will learn how to use a Python template engine called Jinja 2.

Task Resource Type Link Instructions
Do Interactive Lesson Using Jinja2 Templates in Flask Set up a Jinja2 template loader and render templates
Do Interactive Lesson Variable Expressions in Jinja2 Templates Use variable expressions in Jinja2 templates
Do Interactive Lesson A Task List App Create a minimal task list that uses conditionals and loops in its template
Do Interactive Lesson Template Extensions Create base templates and template extensions
Watch Lesson Using render_template Learn how to use the flask.render_template function to more easily render templates when using our most common template setup
Do Review Class 6 Prep Review Solidify your knowledge of the concepts covered in these lessons