Class 10 Prep Review
Here are some review questions for you to solidify your knowledge of the concepts covered in this class:
What is the special value that will be assigned to
if the query didn't find a matching user in this statement:user = User.query.filter_by(email=email).first()
What is a
? Why do we use it? What data type is Flask'ssession
object? -
What is the decorator
used for? When is a function with that decorator called? Explain what is going on in this code snippet:@app.before_request def require_login(): allowed_routes = ['login', 'register'] if request.endpoint not in allowed_routes and 'email' not in session: return redirect('/login')
Why are flash messages useful? How do they relate to the session object?
Describe what this line in the
class means:tasks = db.relationship('Task', backref='owner')