Intro to Spring Boot: Views (Part 3)


Create a Thymeleaf Template

To prevent having to modify the HTML template to match Thymeleaf specs every time you want to make a new template, you can instead create a reusable Thymeleaf template. To do so, right click in the left hand pane and select New->Edit File Templates... and paste in the basic code that you will use for all your Thymeleaf templates:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>


Then name the template "Thymeleaf" and give it the extension .html. From now on, instead of selecting to create a new HTML file, you can select to create a new Thymeleaf file.

Utilize a Base Template and Extensions

Next, let's refactor out duplicate code by utilizing a base template and template extensions. To do so, we'll first create a fragments.html file that will be our base template and will live in the templates directory (not templates.cheese directory). This file consists of the basic HTML above with some modifications to create elements and link resources that will be reusable by the other templates in our application.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">
<head th:fragment="head">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title th:text="${title}">My Cheeses</title>


We can utilize the fragment above in our index.html and add.html files by deleting what is presently in the <head> section and inserting this instead:

<head th:replace="fragments :: head"></head>

We can also add a navigation element to the body of our fragments.html as follows:

<nav th:fragment="navigation">
    <a href="/cheese">List</a>
    <a href="/cheese/add">Add</a>

And we can utilize it in our index.html and add.html files by removing the <a> tag that took us back to the "Add" page and insert this below the title <h1> tag instead:

<nav th:replace="fragments :: navigation"></nav>

Remember that fragments consist of an entire HTML element and the content inside of it. What belongs in a fragment? Anything that you will use in more than one template!

Add Stylesheets and JavaScript Files

Follow the video instructions to add directories for JavaScript and CSS files to the static directory in resources. Then add a styles.css file and a script.js file. Then add this to your styles.css:

body {
    font-family: sans-serif;

Now let's add CSS and JavaScript files to the <head> of our fragments.html so that they will be available to our template extensions:

    <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/css/styles.css}"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/js/script.js}"></script>


We start this lesson with the code in the video-views-pt3-start branch of the cheese-mvc repo: starting code.

We end this lesson with the code in the video-views-pt3-end branch of the cheese-mvc repo: ending code.