Studio: CheeseMVC Persistent
In this studio, you'll implement the functionality described in the video lessons on using Spring Data.
Getting Ready
Let's set up a new project for this studio. That way, everybody will start with the same code. Even though you've been working on cheese-mvc
on your own, you should still do this. The following instructions require a certain structure to your model classes and controllers that you may not have created on your own.
Set up a local copy of the project:
- Visit the repository page for this project and fork the repository to create a copy under your own GitHub account.
- Back in IntelliJ, if you have a project open, select File > Close Project.
- On the IntelliJ welcome screen, click Check out from Version Control, select Github..
- Choose your fork from the repository dropdown, select the parent directory where you'd like to store your project, and hit Clone.
- In the screens that follow:
- Choose Create Project From Existing Sources on the first pane
- Select Auto Import in the Gradle configuration pane
- Select defaults on all other panes
Getting Started
This studio has multiple parts that can be completed over the course of multiple class periods. Unlike previous studios, do not expect that you can complete all of the work here in a single class. Do as much as you can, and then pick up where you left off during the next class. Proceed at your own pace, but be sure to complete all three parts in order to learn the concepts.
Database Setup
Follow the same steps in the Setting Up the Database section of the setup article you followed, using the username / password pair: cheese-mvc-data / cheese.
If you've started working with data in your own cheese-mvc
app, these different names will keep those two applications from trying to use the same database, which would cause problems.