Assignment: Project Setup

This assignment will get you set up and rolling with a basic project. By the end, you will have a GitHub repo that contains a working application.

Getting Started

The objectives for this assignment are simple to state:

  • Create a GitHub repository for your project, which includes a license

  • Make an initial commit that includes a basic, working “Hello, world!” level project

  • Start working on your first user story

There are some situation-specific tips below. If you have questions about getting started on your project that are not covered here, talk to your mentor or the instructor.

Pre-existing Projects

If you’ve already started a project, make sure it’s in GitHub. Once you check that one off, take the extra step of creating a solid README file that gives a high-level overview of your project so that visitors to your profile can learn about it.

Java / Spring Boot Project Tips

Revisit lesson videos from the Java / Spring Boot skill track as needed. In particular, if you’re starting from scratch, you’ll find these useful:

C# / ASP.NET MVC Project Tips

Revisit lesson videos from the C# / ASP.NET skill track as needed. In particular, if you’re starting from scratch you’ll find these useful:

Submitting Your Work

Within your liftoff-assignments repository, open up P4-Project_Setup/ Using Markdown formatting, add a link to your project repository. Then stage, commit, and push your changes.

Once you have finished both wireframe and user story components, commit and push your changes to your liftoff-assignments repository, and submit the assignment on Canvas by submitting the URL to your outline. Your mentor will provide feedback after the assignment deadline.