17.7. Local HTML/CSS Files

Visual Studio Code recognizes many different programming languages. We can use the application for our Python projects and our HTML/CSS work.

Let’s build a simple webpage just like we did in the HTML and CSS chapters. However, this time we will do it locally.

17.7.1. Hello, Web

Add a new directory to local_practice called hello_web. Next, create two files in the directory called index.html and style.css.

Our file tree should look something like this:

File tree for the hello_web directory. It contains the index.html and style.css files.

The hello_web directory tree.

Notice that VS Code displays different symbols next to the files. It uses the .html, .css, and .py extensions to identify the programming language they contain.

Paste this code into index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
      <title>Hello, Web!</title>

      <h1>Hello, Local Webpage!</h1>

Even though the code only contains a single h1 element inside the <body> tags, it is still a fully functional HTML file. Let’s see what it looks like in a browser!

17.7.2. Viewing Local Files in a Browser

There are two ways to view our local HTML file in a browser.

  1. Option 1: Open a web browser. Click on File –> Open File from the menu options. In the box that pops up, navigate to the .html file we want. Click Open.

    File menu and dialog box for opening a local file in a browser.
  2. Option 2: In VS Code, right-click on the tab of the file we want. Choose the Copy Path option. Next, open a web browser and paste the path into the address bar.

    Menu options that appear after right-clicking a file tab in VS Code. "Copy Path" is highlighted.

Ta da! Our webpage appears. Notice the path in the address bar. It looks very similar to the result we would see from the pwd command in the terminal. The copied path changes depending on the file chosen.

"Hello, Local Web!" heading, with the address bar displayed. Add More Elements

  1. Return to VS Code and add a few more elements to the index.html document. Be sure to use some of the semantic HTML we learned earlier.

  2. Save your work.

  3. Go back into the browser and refresh the tab for your HTML file. You should see the results of your changes.


VS Code has a nice feature to let us know if we have saved our work recently! In the editor tabs, if we see a solid dot () next to a filename, that means we have unsaved changes in our code. If we see an X instead, then all of the code in the file has been saved.

Two tabs, one marked with a dot to indicate unsaved changes. For Your Eyes Only

Only you can see your local webpage. Looking at the address bar tells us this. Instead of https://www.etc., we see the file:// prefix. This indicates that the browser opened a file on your personal machine. No one else in the world can view your page unless they are looking over your shoulder right now (or hacked into your device).

Much later in this course, we will learn how to deploy a website and make it visible to anyone who accesses the web.

17.7.3. Adding CSS

Since the index.html and style.css files are in the same directory, we can link them together by adding one statement to our head element:

   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
   <title>Hello, Web!</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

Line 7 uses the identical format to what we learned in the Linking CSS to HTML section. Try It!

  1. Paste this code into the style.css file:

    h1 {
       color: purple;
       text-align: center;
       text-decoration: underline overline wavy;
       font-family: impact, helvetica;
    section {
       background-color: lightgreen;
       text-align: center;
       font-size: 36px;
       border: solid 2px;
       width: 50%;
    .shadow {
       color: green;
       text-shadow: 3px 3px 4px blue;
  2. Save your work in both the index.html and style.css files. Return to the browser and refresh the tab. Properly done, the Hello, Local Webpage! heading changed appearance. Also, if you added any <section> elements on the page, they will also look different.

    The local webpage with CSS style rules applied.

    A styled local webpage.

  3. Notice that the CSS code defines a class called shadow. Add this class inside one of your HTML tags and save your work. Refresh the page in your browser to see the result.

  4. Add other style rules to the CSS file to change the appearance of other elements in your webpage. Be sure to practice using element, class, and id selectors. style.css in a Different Directory

If the CSS file is located in a different directory from the HTML page that uses it, we need to add the proper path inside the <link> tag. Let’s take a look at three possible cases:


File tree for hello_web showing style.css in a subfolder.

style.css is inside the subfolder the_styles.

When the stylesheet is one level down from our HTML file, update the href attribute by adding a relative path that points to the CSS file.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./the_styles/style.css">

The path ./the_styles/style.css tells VS Code, From the current directory, find the folder called the_styles. Move into that folder and find the file called style.css.


File tree for local_practice showing style.css one level above index.html.

style.css is inside the parent directory of hello_web.

When the stylesheet is one level up from our HTML file, use the .. shortcut in the relative path.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css">

The path ../style.css tells VS Code, From the current directory, move up one level into the parent folder. Find the file called style.css.


If we pull a stylesheet from a website (like Bootstrap), use the web address for the href attribute.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://websiteURL">

Notice that the external link does not include the type attribute.

Finally, we can always use the full path to the stylesheet. Right click on the style.css tab and choose the Copy Path option. Paste the path inside the quotes for the href attribute.

17.7.4. Local Project

  1. In the HTML Me Something assignment, you built and styled your own webpage in repl.it or Trinket. Login to your account now and open up that project.

  2. In VS Code, create a new directory called html_me.

  3. Inside this directory, create an index.html file.

  4. Copy your HTML code from your repl.it/Trinket project and paste it into VS Code.

  5. Repeat this copy/paste process for the style.css file.

  6. If your repl.it/Trinket project contains any other files (like images, gifs, etc.), drag and drop copies of these files into the html_me directory.

  7. Open your new index.html file in a browser. Properly done, you should see your awesome webpage! However, now you have it saved on your personal device.

17.7.5. Check Your Understanding


Visual Studio Code automatically saves our work.

  1. True
  2. False


Visual Studio Code works with other languages besides Python, HTML, and CSS.

  1. True
  2. False


After making a change in our HTML or CSS code, how do we see those updates in a web browser?

  1. Refresh the tab in the browser.
  2. Save our work in VS Code.
  3. Save our work in VS Code, then refresh the tab in the browser.
  4. Refresh the tab in the browser, then save our work in VS Code.