24.10. Project: Movie SQLs

In this chapter, we assigned different string values to a sql_query variable and used that to execute SQL commands. For the short practice examples, this worked well. However, we need a better way to create and run our queries, since we don’t want to rewrite our code every time we interact with the database!

In this project, you will use input from a web form to build sql_query strings. These queries will work on two tables stored in a database: movies and directors.

The database and the HTML templates are ready to go, but the application is incomplete. Your job is to fill in the gaps to successfully collect and execute SQL queries. You will also get to review your HTML, CSS, and Flask skills!

24.10.1. Project Setup

  1. Open your local_practice directory in Visual Studio Code. Clone a copy of the starter code from this GitHub repository.

  2. Use the File menu to open the LCHS_movie_sql_project folder you just downloaded.

  3. Follow the usual procedure to create a new virtual environment, activate it, and install Flask. If you need a reminder for how to do this, the README file contains a summary of the process.

  4. Add the name of your virtual environment to the .gitignore file.

  5. The project file tree should now look something like the figure below. If you gave a different name to your virtual environment, it will appear instead of movie-env.

    File tree showing 4 folders, 6 templates, main.py, db_setup.py, style.css, .gitignore, and a README file.

    For this project, you will do most of your work in the main.py file. Create the Database

The file db_setup.py is a separate program. Its only job is to create the database, add the movies and directors tables, and insert several rows into each one.

  1. Run db_setup.py. A database file called project.db should appear in the file tree.

    The project.db file name appears in the file tree.

    The database name appears gray because its name appears in the .gitignore file.

  2. Right-click on project.db and select Open Database.

  3. Use the tools in the SQLite Explorer tab to confirm that the tables and data were successfully created.


At any time during the project, you can rerun db_setup.py to reset the database to its starting configuration.

Use git status/git add ./git commit -m to begin a version control record. If you have your own GitHub account, take a moment to push the repository up to the site.

24.10.2. The Home Page (index.html)

Run main.py and open the application in a browser. You should see a home page:

The index.html page, showing a form to select the type of SQL query.

The form lets users select the SQL query type and a table from the database.

The home page gives users four options to choose from, plus a dropdown menu to select a table. index.html serves as a gateway page. Its job is to direct users to different pages based on the CRUD operation they pick.

Try it! Select an option and table, then click Submit. Repeat this for the other choices.


If you’re curious about how the gateway page operates, check out the comments included with the index() function in main.py.

The index.html template also includes comments describing how the page is put together.

Each form is complete, but none of them produce correct SQL strings yet. The functions controlling the pages need to be finished.

Your job is to fill in the missing pieces, starting with the easiest function. Be sure to follow the recommended order! Each part asks you to do a little more than the one that came before.

24.10.3. The DELETE Form

From the home page, select DELETE and the movies table. This will redirect you to a specific form.

The DELETE form, with one input box for the WHERE condition.

With the DELETE form, users submit a condition for the WHERE clause.

Try typing something into the input box, then submit the form. Nothing seems to happen, because the delete_query() function in main.py is almost empty. You need to add code to the function that will:

  • Request data from the form.

  • Build a sql_query string based on that input.

  • Render the page again, but display the sql_query string below the form.

    The DELETE query form, with an input box where users can enter a WHERE condition.

    The delete_query() function in main.py builds a SQL query string.

  1. Open main.py and add this code inside the delete_query() function.

    def delete_query():
       if request.method == 'POST':
       return render_template('delete.html', tab_title = 'DELETE query', home = False)
  2. Next, add code to collect the condition text from the form. Also, collect the table name from the session cookie.

    def delete_query():
       if request.method == 'POST':
          condition = request.form['condition']
          table = session['table']

    On line 50, ['condition'] matches to the name attribute given to the input element in delete.html. Line 51 retrieves the value assigned to session['table']. This value was set inside the index() function.

  3. Use the table and condition variables to build the string for the SQL query. Also, assign the empty string to sql_query in the else clause.

    def delete_query():
       if request.method == 'POST':
          condition = request.form['condition']
          table = session['table']
          sql_query = f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {condition}"
          sql_query = ''
  4. Finally, use the render_template() function to pass sql_query to the delete.html template.

    def delete_query():
       if request.method == 'POST':
          condition = request.form['condition']
          table = session['table']
          sql_query = f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {condition}"
          sql_query = ''
       return render_template('delete.html', tab_title = 'DELETE query',
          home = False, sql_query = sql_query)
  5. Save your changes. Run main.py and submit the form several times to check your code. Fix any bugs that occur.

Congratulations! The delete_query() function now builds the required string. Be sure to save, commit, and push your work.


Right now, users can type whatever they want into the input box. Don’t worry about checking the accuracy of the SQL query yet.

24.10.4. The UPDATE Form

From the home page, select UPDATE and the directors table. When the new page loads, notice that the form contains two input fields.

The UPDATE form, with input fields for SET and WHERE.

With the UPDATE form, users submit text for both SET and WHERE.

This page behaves in a similar way to delete.html. Users submit TWO text fields, and the update_query() function sends back a completed query string.

  1. Open update.html and identify the name for each input element.

    <h3>Enter your SQL query here:</h3>
    <p>UPDATE <span class="table-col-names">{{session['table']}}</span></p>
    <label>SET <input class="query-input" name="new_value" type="text" placeholder="column_name = new_value" required/></label>
    <label>WHERE <input class="query-input" name="condition" type="text" placeholder="condition"/></label>
  2. Open main.py and find the update_query() function. Add a basic if/else conditional.

    def update_query():
       if request.method == 'POST':
          sql_query = ''
       return render_template("update.html", tab_title = "UPDATE query", home = False)
  3. Using the delete_query() function as a model, replace the pass keyword. Collect the SET and WHERE entries from the form and the table name from the session. Assign the values to the variables new_value, condition, and table.

  4. Use the table and new_value variables to build the first part of the sql_query string:

    sql_query = f"UPDATE {table} SET {new_value}"
  5. For an UPDATE query, the WHERE clause is optional. A user might not always submit one. Add a conditional to deal with this possibility:

    sql_query = f"UPDATE {table} SET {new_value}"
    if condition != '':
       sql_query += f" WHERE {condition}"
  6. Finally, use the render_template() function to pass sql_query to the update.html template.

  7. Save your changes and run the application to check your code.

A properly formatted SQL query string displayed below the UPDATE form.

The update_query() function combines several pieces of data to complete a SQL query string.

24.10.5. The INSERT and SELECT Forms

Follow the same process as above to finish the insert_query() and select_query() functions.

  1. Make sure to place parentheses () around the column names and values in the INSERT query.

  2. The WHERE clause is optional in SELECT. Your select_query() function needs to deal with this.

Properly formatted SQL strings displayed below the INSERT and SELECT forms.

The insert_query() and select_query() functions also return SQL strings.

24.10.6. Next Steps

Congratulations! Your Flask application builds SQL query strings from different web forms. Now you need to execute those queries, update the database, and display feedback to the user.

Continue on to Part 2 of this project.