A Collection of Class TechnologiesΒΆ

Lessons (When Introduced and Used)

Software, Platform, & Packages/Languages

Student Actions

Install or Setup Directions

Introduced in Lesson 0 (Prep Work) and used in Lesson 1 (Control Flow), Lesson 2 (Lists and Strings), Lesson 3 (Functions), and Lesson 4 (Dictionaries)

Replit.com, Canvas, Terminal, Data Analysis Textbook, and Python (language)

Create Replit Account and log into Canvas

Create Replit.com account, Canvas and Replit.com Setup, Your First Program, Terminal, and Git Workflow

Introduced and used in Lesson 5 (Intro to Data)


Create Kaggle account

Register for a Kaggle Account and Kaggle Tips (in Canvas)

Introduced in Lesson 6 (EDA part 1) and used in Lesson 7 (EDA part 2), Lesson 8 (Cleaning Data), Lesson 9 (Data Manipulation), and Lesson 10 (Viz with Python)

GitHub, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, and the following Python packages: pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, and numpy.

Create a Github Account, learn how to use terminal for Github, download and install Anaconda, open, use, and save a Jupyter Notebook, and students will need to import packages (which are a part of Anaconda) into their notebooks.

Create GitHub account, Instructions for Using Github w/Jupyter Notebooks (in Canvas), Getting Started w/ Anaconda (in Canvas), Using Jupyter Notebooks, and Anaconda packages list

Introduced in Lesson 11 (SQL part 1) and used in Lesson 12 (SQL part 2), Lesson 13 (SQL part 3), Lesson 14 (SQL part 4), and Lesson 15 (SQL part 5)

Azure Data Studio, SQL

Azure Data Studio and Azure notebooks

To set up Azure Data Studio, please see the matching assignment in Canvas, and Quick intro to SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio

Introduced and used in Lesson 16 (Working with Db in Python)

Python Packages: pandas and sqlite3

Packages are part of Anaconda.


Introduced in Lesson 17 (Viz with Tab 1) and used in Lesson 18 (Viz with Tab 2), Lesson 19 (Viz with Tab 3), Lesson 20 (Viz with Tab 4)


Create Tableau Public account (Application we are using for visualizations) and Create Tableau.com account (This account is for learning materials)

Download Tableau Public and look for the Troubleshooting document in your Prep Work Assignments in Canvas.

Introduced and used in Lessons 21 and 22 (Intro into stats & Modeling with python parts 1 & 2)

Python Packages: pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, numpy, datetime, sklearn, and statsmodels

Jupyter or Azure notebooks and Packages are part of Anaconda
