Exercises: Errors and Debugging Solutions

Find and Fix Syntax Errors

  1. Error 1: Line 6 Correct syntax should look like this:

    value = int(input("Enter an index value: "))
  2. Error 2: Line 9 Correct syntax should look like this

    if value > len(alphabet):
  3. Error 3: Line 12 Correct syntax should look like this:

    print("The letter at index {0} is '{1}'.".format(index, alphabet[index]))

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Find and Fix Runtime Errors

  1. Error 1: Line 2: One option for correct syntax could be this:

    print("The last letter in '{0}' is '{1}'".format(word, word[-1]))
  2. Error 2: Line 5: What data type is user input? What data type do you need? Correct syntax could be this:

    second_num = int(input("Enter another whole number: "))
  3. Error 3: Line 10: Correct the variable name typo

    print("\tProduct = {0}".format(first_num * second_num))

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Solve Logic Errors

  1. Part 1: Calculate a Percentage

    1. Errors 1 and 2: Line 5: Correct syntax could look like this:

      percentage = points_earned/points_possible * 100
  2. Part 2: Convert a Student’s Percentage into a Letter Grade

    1. Error 1: Lines 8, 10, 12, 14, & 16: Fix the Letter Grades

    2. Error 2: Lines 7, 9, 11, 13: Change > or < to include the value as well. You could also update the order of percentage ranges, too. One solution could start like this:

      if score_percent >= 90:
         letter_grade = 'A'
      elif score_percent >= 80:
         letter_grade = "B"
      # rest of code...
  1. Part 3: Validating a Username:

    1. Testing with print() statements: This is a demo, but syntax could look like this:

      if len(username) >= 5 and len(username) <= 10:
         is_valid = True
      print(is_valid)  #testing with print is a easy way to check your work
    2. Error 1: Lines 13-18: Correct syntax could look like this.

      for char in username:
         if char in string.digits:
            has_digit = True
         elif char not in string.ascii_letters:
            is_valid = False
         # else:                 #else statement not needed
            # is_valid = True

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