Exercise Solutions: Functions

Part 1: Rectangles

  1. Write a function make_line(size) that returns a line with exactly size hashes.

    def make_line(size):
       line = ""
       for i in range(size):
          line += "#"
       return line

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  2. Write a function called make_square(size) that returns a size by size string of hashes.

    def make_square(size):
       square = ""
       for i in range(size):
          square += (make_line(size) + "\n")
       return square

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  3. Write a function make_rectangle(width, height) that returns a rectangle with the given width and height. Use your make_line function to do this.

    def make_rectangle(width, height):
       rectangle = ""
       for i in range(height):
          rectangle += (make_line(width) + "\n")
       return rectangle
    print(make_rectangle(5, 3))

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Part 2: Triangles

  1. Write a function make_downward_stairs(height) that prints the staircase pattern shown below, with the given height.

    def make_downward_stairs(height):
       stairs = ""
       for i in range(height):
          stairs += (make_line(i+1) + "\n")
       return stairs

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  2. Write a function make_space_line(numSpaces, numChars) that returns a line with exactly the specified number of spaces, followed by the specified number of hashes, followed again by num_spaces more spaces.

    def make_space_line(numSpaces, numChars):
       space_line = ""
       for i in range(numSpaces):
          space_line += " "
       for i in range(numChars):
          space_line += "#"
       for i in range(numSpaces):
          space_line += " "
       return space_line
    print(make_space_line(3, 5))

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  3. Write a function make_isosceles_triangle(height) that returns a triangle of the given height.

    def make_isosceles_triangle(height):
       triangle = ""
       for i in range(height):
          triangle += (make_space_line(height - i - 1, 2 * i + 1) + "\n")
       return triangle

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Part 3: Diamonds

  1. Write a function make_diamond(height) that returns a diamond where the triangle formed by the top portion has the given height.

    def make_diamond(height):
       diamond = ""
       triangle = make_isosceles_triangle(height)
       diamond += triangle[:-1]
       for i in range(len(triangle)-1, -1, -1):
          diamond += triangle[i]
       return diamond

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Optional Mission

Refactor your functions so that they take a single character as a parameter, and draw the shapes with that character instead of always using '#'.

def make_line(size, char):
   line = ""
   for i in range(size):
      line += char
   return line

print(make_line(8, '&'))

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Make the new parameter optional, with default value '#'.

def make_line(size, char = "#"):
   line = ""
   for i in range(size):
      line += char
   return line


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