10.11. Exercises: Functions

If your teacher added you to a Trinket course, complete the exercises there.

Otherwise, use the links below to code in your own free account.


The code editors embedded in the exercises all include a link to repl.it in the upper right corner. For the matching Trinkets, click these links:

  1. Exercises 1 & 2

  2. Exercise 3

  3. Exercise 4

  4. Exercise 5

  5. Exercises 6 - 8

10.11.1. Part A: More Turtles

  1. Use a loop and the draw_square function we wrote in this chapter to draw the image shown below. Make each side 30 units long, and note that the turtle moves away from the last square.

    (Check the Turtle Appendix if you need to review the turtle methods).

    Image showing 5 squares evenly spaced in a row, with the turtle off to the right of the last shape.
  2. In the editor above, define a new function called draw_polygon that takes 3 parameters—a turtle object, a number of sides, and the length of each side. Place the new function in the lines before bob = turtle.Turtle().

    Hint: You drew polygons as part of the Turtle Project in the Loops chapter.

    After you finish coding the function, replace the draw_square function call in the loop with draw_polygon to produce a row of shapes.

    Image showing 5 identical shapes evenly spaced in a row, with the turtle off to the right of the last shape.

    Two possible outcomes from using draw_polygon.

    Try It!

    Just for fun, modify your loop code to produce shapes with different colors, sizes, or sides.

    Images showing three rows of shapes with different: 1) colors, 2) sizes, 3) number of sides.
  3. Write a function called draw_sprite that draws a figure like the one shown below. The function needs parameters for the turtle, the number of legs, and the length of the legs.

    Image showing a sprite with 7 legs and the turtle shape at the center.

    Call the function to create a sprite with 10 legs of length 115.

    Try It!

    Add a parameter to draw_polygon called fancy_corners. If True, then the function should call draw_sprite at each corner of the shape. Make the sprite legs half the length of each side.

    Image showing a sprite with 7 legs and the turtle shape at the center.

Check your solutions.

10.11.2. Part B: Return Values

  1. Write a shift_case function that takes a single string parameter and returns a different string. The function should loop through the string and change uppercase characters to lowercase, and lowercase to uppercase.

    For example, for the argument 'Hello, World!', the function returns 'hELLO, wORLD!'.

  2. Write a calculate_average function that uses a list of numbers as the parameter. The function should find and return the average of the numbers from the list. Use the round() function to return an average rounded to one decimal place.

    Sample results:

    1. num_list = [2, 7, 6], average = 5.0

    2. num_list = [20, 17, 46, 8], average = 22.8

    3. num_list = [0, 3.33, 44, 50, 63, 70.9, 75.2, 83.2], average = 48.7


    average = (sum of the elements in list) / (number of elements in list)

  3. Write a function make_line(num_chars, symbol) that returns a line with exactly num_chars symbols. num_chars will be an integer, and symbol will be a character. Note that the function must RETURN a string, not print it!

    If the function call does not provide an argument for symbol, use the default character '#'.

    print(make_line(5, 'T'))

    Console Output

  4. In the editor above, add a function called make_rectangle that returns a rectangle string with a given width, height, and symbol. The function should NOT print each row of the rectangle. Instead, it must return a single string that contains the entire rectangle shape.


    1. Call your make_line function to create each row of the rectangle string.

    2. The newline character, \n, will be helpful to you.

    3. Do NOT include a newline character at the end of your string.

    4. Use '#' as the default symbol.

    print(make_rectangle(5, 3))
    print(make_rectangle(2, 4, '*'))

    Console Output

  5. In the same editor, code a make_square function that calls make_rectangle. The function should behave something like this:

    print(make_square(3, 'Rutabaga'))

    Console Output


Check your solutions.

10.11.3. Bonus Exercises

  1. Add a draw_spiral function to one of the turtle editors to produce either of the following shapes. Hint: The function needs a turtle, an angle, a starting line length and the number of lines to draw.

    Image showing two spiral shapes produced by the ``draw_spiral`` function.

    The spiral on the left uses an angle of 90°, while the one on the right uses an angle of 89°.

  2. Add functions to the editor in part B, exercise 6 to produce any of the following shapes:

    #                       ##
    ##                     ####
    ###                   ######
    ####                 ########
    #####               ##########

Check your solutions.