23.4. How to Create an HTML Page in Visual Studio

Open your Visual Studio and create a new project.

23.4.1. For Mac Users

  1. Select either a Generic or Blank project.

    Image of the menu, listing project types including blank and generic.
  2. Name your solution and project.

  3. Once your project is created, open your Solution Explorer.

  4. Right-click on your project, select Add then New File …

    Dropdown menu showing how to add new file.
  5. A pop-up menu will open, select Web from the left column.

  6. A list of project types will appear, select HTML page

  7. Name this page index

    Image of the menu, listing project types including blank and generic.
  8. Click New

  9. Inspect your new HTML page.

    Image of HTML boilerplate in Visual Studio IDE

23.4.2. For Windows Users

  1. Search for a “Blank” or Generic project, and select it.

    Image of searching for Blank solution
  2. Name your solution and project.

  3. Once your project is created, open your Solution Explorer.

  4. Right-click on your project, select Add then New Item …

    Image of dropdown menus to add new item to a project
  5. Select HTML Page

  6. Name it index

  7. Click New

  8. Inspect your new HTML page.

    Image of HTML boilerplate in Visual Studio IDE Both Mac and Windows

Once you have your HTML page created, you are ready to move on to the exercises.