31.7. Studio: Angular, Part 3

In this studio, you must combine data-binding and attribute directives to dynamically change the appearance or behavior of HTML elements.

31.7.1. Getting Started

This studio uses the same mission planner repository as Angular studio part 2. There is no need to fork and clone new starter code.

  1. Open your work from Part 2 in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Run git status to see if you have any uncommitted work. If you do, resolve it.

  3. Checkout the studio-3 branch: git checkout studio-3.

  4. Run npm install to download dependencies.

  5. Run ng serve to build and serve the project.

When viewed in your browser, the project should look like this:

Initial view of Angular studio 3.

Mission Name and Carrier Rocket are still editable, but the functionality for the crew, equipment, and experiments have been removed.

31.7.2. Part 1: Select Cargo

We want to add items from the equipment list to the cargo hold, but we must NOT exceed the values of the maximumAllowedMass or maxItems variables.

The interactive equipment list will eventually behave as follows:

  1. When clicked, an Add to Cargo Hold button adds the selected equipment to the cargoHold array and updates the cargoMass variable.

  2. As items are added to the hold, their names should appear in the Cargo Hold section of the page. Also, the Mass in Hold, Mass Budget Remaining, and Spots Filled values should update.

  3. The Add to Cargo Hold buttons should be disabled if all of the spots in the hold have been filled.

  4. If the mass of a particular item will push the cargo hold over maximumAllowedMass, that item's button should be disabled.

  5. If cargoMass comes within 200 kg of maximumAllowedMass, then the Mass Budget Remaining text should turn red.

The following sections will guide you through completing Part 1. Code the addItem Function

Open equipment.component.ts and create the addItem function:

  1. It should take an equipment object as a parameter.

  2. It should add the equipment object to the cargoHold array.

  3. It should increase the cargoMass variable by the mass of the new equipment.

  4. It should return true or false depending on whether cargoMass is within 200 kg of maximumAllowedMass. Make the Add to Cargo Hold Buttons Work

Open equipment.component.html and do the following:

  1. Include an Add to Cargo Hold button within each list item.

    Minimal *Add to Cargo Hold* button style.
  2. Add a (click) event to each button that calls the addItem function and passes the selected equipment as the argument.

  3. Bind the disabled attribute to the following conditions:

    1. If all of the cargo hold spots are full (cargoHold.length === maxItems), disable the button.

    2. If adding the item to the cargo hold would exceed maximumAllowedMass, disable the button.

  4. If active, make the button an attractive color.

Final *Add to Cargo Hold* button style. Update the Cargo Hold Display

Open equipment.component.html and equipment.component.css and do the following:

  1. Add a nearMaxMass class in the CSS file that styles the text to be:

    1. Bold OR italic,

    2. Red.

  2. Bind [class.nearMaxMass] to a boolean that will change the style of the Mass Budget Remaining text whenever the cargo hold gets within 200 kg of maximumAllowedMass.

  3. Add an Empty Hold button that clears the cargoHold array and resets cargoMass. As a side effect, clearing the hold should reactivate all of the buttons and return Mass Budget Remaining to its original style. Status Check

At this point, the equipment component should behave something like:

Gif of Equipment list and Cargo Hold interactivity.

Before moving on to part 2, be sure to commit and push your work.

31.7.3. Part 2: Select Crew Members

We want to add up to three astronauts to the mission crew, and we want to do this by clicking on their names rather than creating more buttons.

The interactive candidates list will eventually behave as follows:

  1. When clicked, the candidate's name will change color and will appear in the Crew list.

  2. If a candidate is already part of the crew, clicking their name again in the Candidates list will remove them from the crew.

  3. When the mouse pointer hovers over an astronaut's name in the Crew list, their photo appears below the list. When the pointer leaves their name, their photo disappears.

  4. When the crew size reaches 3 members, the heading changes to Crew Full and clicking on more candidate names will not do anything.

The following sections will guide you through completing Part 2. Code the addCrewMember Function

Open crew.component.ts and create the addCrewMember function:

  1. It should take a candidate object as a parameter.

  2. It should check if the candidate is already part of the crew.

  3. If the crew size is less than 3 AND the candidate is not part of the crew, then their data should be added to the crew array.

  4. If the candidate is already part of the crew, then their data should be removed from the crew array. Update the Candidates List

Open crew.component.html and crew.component.css and do the following:

  1. Add a (click) event to each li element that calls the addCrewMember function and passes the selected candidate as the argument.

  2. Add a selected class in the CSS file that styles the text to be a different color from the other list items.

  3. Bind [class.selected] to a boolean statement that will change the color of a candidate's name when they are selected or de-selected for the crew. Update the Crew List

  1. When the crew size reaches 3, the heading should change to "Crew Full".

  2. Add (mouseover) and (mouseout) events to the li tags to determine if the mouse pointer is currently over a name in the Crew list.

  3. If a crew member is selected by moving the mouse over their name:

    1. Use an img tag with *ngIf to display a photo of the astronaut below the crew list.

    2. Bind the .photo property of the astronaut to the src attribute.

    3. When the mouse pointer moves off of a name, the photo should disappear. Status Check

At this point, the crew component should behave something like:

Gif of the Candidates and Crew list interactivity.

Before moving on to the bonus missions, be sure to commit and push your work.

31.7.4. Bonus Missions

To boost your Angular skills, add one or more of the following features:

  1. Update the CSS files to make the web page look a little less bland.

  2. Don't allow more than two of the same item in the cargo hold.

  3. Allow the user to remove individual items from the hold.

  4. Complete the experiments component with features similar to the crew and equipment components.

  5. Add other data to the astronaut objects, and center this data below the crew photo.

31.7.5. Sanity Check

Complete code for this studio can be found in the studio-3-solution branch of the repository.