29.8. Studio: Angular, Part 1

In this chapter, you learned about the Angular file structure, templates, and components. Over the next three classes, you will build a Mission Planning Dashboard using your Angular skills.

29.8.1. Mission Planning Dashboard

A useful and common front end application is a dashboard. It shows a summary of information about a topic, helping users of the web app make informed decisions.

You will create a Space Mission Planning Dashboard.

29.8.2. Create Angular Project

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code. If you created an angular_practice folder earlier in the chapter, use the File menu to open it. If you did not create a practice folder, make one!

  2. Open a terminal at the root of your angular_practice folder.

  3. Create a new Angular project by running ng new angular-studio-part1.

    1. When prompted about using routing, enter "N" for No.

    2. When prompted to select the stylesheet format, select CSS.

    $ ng new angular-studio-part1
    ? Would you like to add Angular routing? No
    ? Which stylesheet format would you like to use? CSS
  4. When the process finishes, use the File menu to open angular-studio-part1 in VS Code.

  5. In the terminal, use pwd to check your position in the file tree. If necessary, navigate into the angular-studio-part1 directory.

  6. Install dependencies by running npm install

  7. Verify that the application will run by running ng serve

  8. View the site in your browser at http://localhost:4200

    1. You should see a header that says "Welcome to angular-studio-part1!"

  9. In the terminal, initialize your project with git, then stage and commit your files locally before starting on the features.


You will likely still have ng serve running in your terminal. You can stop ng serve by pressing the keys "control+c", or you can open an additional terminal window to run the git commands.

29.8.3. Requirements

The mission dashboard you are creating will eventually look like this.

Screen shot showing the mission dashboard with mission name, rocket name, crew members, equipment, and experiments. Update Starter Page Content

The default stater page created by Angular contains default text, images, and links. Your job is to remove the default content.

  1. Clear out the contents of file app.component.html.

  2. Type in the text Add components here... into app.component.html.

  3. Run ng serve if it's not already running.

  4. View the app in your browser to verify the words "Add components here..." is the only thing that appears on the page. Header Component

You need to create a component that shows the title, mission name, and carrier rocket.

  1. In terminal navigate to the folder src/app folder.

  2. Create a header component using ng g component header.

  3. In the file header.component.html add HTML:

<h1>Mission Planning Dashboard</h1>
<h3>Mission Name: {{ missionName }}</h3>
<h3>Carrier Rocket: {{ rocketName }}</h3>
  1. Add the variables missionName and rocketName to the header component in header.component.ts

export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {

    missionName: string = "Mars 2030";
    rocketName: string = "Plasma Max";
  1. Add a reference to the header component in app.component.html.

  1. View the app in your browser to verify that the title, mission name, and rocket name are visible.

Screen shot of browser showing address localhost:4200, which has a title of Mission Planning Dashboard, a Mission Name, and a Carrier Rocket. Crew Component

Next you need to make a component to show a list of crew members.

  1. Create the component by running ng g component crew.

  2. Set the contents of crew.component.html to be:

       <li>Jessica Watkins</li>
       <li>Raja Chari</li>
       <li>Jasmin Moghbeli</li>
  1. Add a reference to the header component in app.component.html.

Screen shot of browser showing address localhost:4200, which has a title of Mission Planning Dashboard, a Mission Name,a Carrier Rocket, a Crew header, and a list of crew members in an unordered list. Equipment Component

Now you need to create a component to show a list of equipment.

  1. Create an equipment component named equipment.

  2. The component should display the following:

    1. An <h3> that contains "Equipment"

    2. A <ul> that contains <li> for: Habitat dome, Drones, Food containers, Oxygen tanks

  3. Add the equipment component to app.component.html using the HTML below. Notice the <div> surrounding the crew and equipment components.

    <div class="box">
  1. Add CSS to file app.component.css to horizontally align the crew and equipment lists. Without this CSS, the equipment list will appear below the crew list.

    .box {
       display: flex;
       padding: 10px;
Screen shot of browser showing address localhost:4200, which has a title of Mission Planning Dashboard, a Mission Name, a Carrier Rocket, a Crew header, a list of crew members, and a list of equipment.


A full explanation of display: flex; is beyond the scope of this book. For more information see MDN flex box docs and CSS Tricks flex box guide. Experiments Component

  1. Finally, add an experiments component that contains the HTML below:

       <li>Mars soil sample</li>
       <li>Plant growth in habitat</li>
       <li>Human bone density</li>
  2. Make the list of experiments show up to the right of equipment list.

When done your dashboard should look like this:

Screen shot showing the mission dashboard with mission name, rocket name, crew members, equipment, and experiments.

29.8.4. Commit Your Work

Be sure to stage and commit your changes!

  1. Verify the branch and status of the files.

  2. Commit your changes locally.

  3. Create a new repository in your GitHub account, then push your commits to origin.

You will make different versions of the mission planning dashboard in the next two studios.

29.8.5. Bonus Mission

  1. Display crew members by adding an array of crew names.

    1. In crew.component.ts add crew: string[] = ["Jessica Watkins", "Raja Chari", "Jasmin Moghbeli"];

    2. In crew.component.html use references like <li>{{crew[0]}}</li> to display the crew names.

  2. Use CSS to add different colors, fonts, borders, etc. to your dashboard.

  3. Move the components around to see how that affects the display of the data.