23.1. SQL Part 5 - Schemas and CRUD Operations

In order to give you more advanced SQL practice, a schema has been created for each of you for the exercises and studio for this lesson. Consider it your own personal sandbox, as you are the only one who has access to it.

As you read the articles below, experiment with what you’ve learned in your practice schemas.

23.1.1. What is a Schema?

A schema is a way to group database objects(tables, views, ect) into a logical collection. Let’s look at the AdventureWorks2019 database in Azure Data Studio.

In the Object Explorer if you expand the tables you will see something like this:

File Tree, Tables Folder with Human Resources schemes highlighted.

Notice how the tables are grouped together. The syntax is schema_name.table_name. You wouldn’t want someone accidentally deleting a table or being able to view sensitive information. Schemas allow companies to easily control who has access to specific tables and how they have access.

Another way to think of schemas is that they are like using folders on your google drive. You can group together like-documents and control who has access by granting different permissions to different people. At any time you can also change permissions or remove someone from having access. You can also move documents from one folder to another. Multiple people can work together in each folder. The creator of the folder or document is the owner. But, you can easily reassign the ownership to another person. The same is true of Schemas.

For more information about schemas visit here.

23.1.2. How To Create Tables

  1. From Scratch.

  2. From Other Tables.

23.1.3. More on primary keys

  1. SQL Server PRIMARY KEY.

23.1.4. Temp Tables

Are often used when you may not have certain permissions on a database but need to run queries in your everyday work. Only you can see the temp table you create in the connection you created it in. You can not access the temp table from another workspace/window/notebook. When you close the connection the table has been created in, it’s automatically deleted. While the article below mentions Global Temp Tables they are almost never used.

  1. Introduction to Temporary Tables in SQL Server.

23.1.5. Adding Records

  1. SQL INSERT INTO Statement.

23.1.6. Updating Existing Records


23.1.7. Deleting Records


23.1.8. Deleting Tables

  1. SQL DROP TABLE Statement.

Additional Resources (Optional Reading)

  1. You Are Not My Data Type: A quick intro into SQL data types.

  2. SQL Server Data Types.

23.1.9. Check Your Understanding


Which of the following queries would you use to create a table called recipes, that holds name(up to 25 characters), description(up to 50 characters) and instructions (up to 500 characters).

1. CREATE TABLE schema_name.recipes(
      name VARCHAR(25),
      description VARCHAR(50),
      instructions VARCHAR(500),

2. MAKE TABLE schema_name.recipes(
      name VARCHAR(25),
      description VARCHAR(50),
      instructions VARCHAR(500),

3. CREATE TABLE schema_name.recipes(

4. CREATE TABLE schema_name.recipes(
      name (25),
      description (50),
      instructions (500),


Which of the following queries would you use to create a new table called new_HR, from the HumanResources.Department table in the AdventureWorks2019 Database?

      AS(SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2019.HumanResources.Department);

   FROM AdventureWorks2019.HumanResources.Department;

      AS(SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2019.HumanResources.Department);

   FROM AdventureWorks2019.HumanResources.Department


Write a query that creates a table called HRemployees from the HumanResources.Employee in the AdventureWorks2019 database that only includes the following columns(LoginID, JobTitle, VacationHours) and only includes records from employees with more than 80hrs of vacation.


What is a primary key?


Can you add a primary key to an existing table?

  1. True

  2. False


How does the syntax differ when you create a temp table?


Which of the following queries would add information into the Recipes table below.

Recipes table with one row.
1. INSERT INTO schema_name.Recipes (name, description, instructions)
   VALUES('Pizza', 'To lazy to cook but hungry', 'Call ModPizza and order for delivery');

2. ADD ROW schema_name.Recipes (name, description, instructions)
   VALUES('Pizza', 'To lazy to cook but hungry', 'Call ModPizza and order for delivery');

3. INSERT INTO schema_name.Recipes (2, name, description, instructions)
   VALUES('Pizza', 'To lazy to cook but hungry', 'Call ModPizza and order for delivery')

4. ADD ROW schema_name.Recipes (2, name, description, instructions)
   VALUES('Pizza', 'To lazy to cook but hungry', 'Call ModPizza and order for delivery')


Write a query to update the second recipe’s Instructions to call Dominos instead in the Recipes table below.

Recipes table with three rows.


Write a query to delete any records with a Description of Frozen from the Recipes table below.
Recipes table with four rows.


Write a query to clear all the contents of the Recipes table.


Which of the following queries will delete the entire Recipes table?

1. DROP TABLE schema_name.Recipes;

2. REMOVE TABLE schema_name.Recipes;

3. FROM schema_name
   DROP TABLE Recipes;

4. DELETE TABLE schema_name.Recipes;