Spring Initialization Script

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What needs to happen for the Spring project to be deployed?


  1. VirtualBox Image created
  2. VirtualBox First time setup completed

Machine State

  1. git must be installed
  2. web server must be installed

Project Artifacts

The artifacts are already built, they just need to be installed onto the machine with git.

  1. use git to clone build artifacts

Web Server Configuration

caddy or nginx must be configured to catch HTTP requests and respond as a file_server, and then must be reloaded.

At this point the Spring project should be accessible in your browser.


This Spring project has a couple of different requirements than the React project. You will need to install the required version of java in order to run this project to set up a reverse proxy. The version you will need is 11. In order to start the project you need to run the command java -jar path/to/jar-file

Full Script Solution

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