21.9. Exercises: Flask Intro

In the following exercises, you will create a Flask application that does the following:

  1. Uses a form to collect a hex code from the user.

  2. Validates the submitted code.

  3. Returns feedback to the user.

  4. Displays the color produced by the hex code.

21.9.1. Part A: Setup

The starter code for this project is stored in a GitHub repository. You will need to clone the repo to your device.

  1. Open your flask_projects folder in Visual Studio Code. Enter pwd in the terminal to verify your path.

    $ pwd
  2. Download the stater code into this directory. In the terminal, enter the command:

    $ git clone https://github.com/LaunchCodeEducation/lchs_flask_intro.git
  3. Use File –> Open to open the lchs_flask_intro folder. You should see five files in the left panel.

    File tree showing 5 items. Install Flask

Use the terminal to create a virtual environment, activate it, and install Flask to your project.

Mac Users:
$ python3 -m venv exercises-env
$ . exercises-env/bin/activate
(exercises-env) $ pip install Flask

Windows Users:
$ py -3 -m venv exercises-env
$ . exercises-env/Scripts/activate
(exercises-env) $ pip install Flask Add Directories

Remember that Flask requires you to store your templates and supporting files in specific places inside your project.

  1. Use the buttons in VS Code to create the static and templates directories.

  2. Drag the HTML file into templates. Move the image and CSS files into static.

  3. Your file tree should now look like this:

    The project file tree after adding Flask and two directories.
  4. Before moving on, make sure to save and commit your work.

21.9.2. Part B: Render the Form

  1. From the terminal, use python hexcode.py to launch the application.

  2. Open your browser and navigate to Unfortunately, the form doesn’t look very nice right now. By moving the .html and .css files into different directories, we broke the link between them.

    Hex form with no image or CSS rules applied.

    Your webpage rendered, but it needs some work.

  3. Open the hex_form.html file in Visual Studio Code. On line 7, update the href attribute. Replace style.css with the url_for function.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{url_for('static', filename='style.css')}}">
  4. On line 27, do the same thing to update the src attribute inside the <img> tag. Be sure to change the filename to hex_figure.png.

  5. Save your changes. Refresh the webpage to make sure the style rules and image are now in place.

    Hex form with CSS rules and image applied.

    Your form now. Add Placeholders

Notice that the input elements on lines 23 and 24 use the hard-coded hex value FF0000. Every time the page loads, the text in the input box will always show FF0000, and the color box will always be red.

<label>Enter a code: #<input type="text" name="hex" value="FF0000" required/></label><br>
<input type="color" value="#FF0000" disabled/>

Add placeholders to the template to make the input boxes change when the form is submitted.

  1. In lines 23 and 24, replace FF0000 with the {{hex}} placeholder:

    <label>Enter a code: #<input type="text" name="hex" value="{{hex}}" required/></label><br>
    <input type="color" value="#{{hex}}" disabled/>

    Be sure to keep the # symbol in line 24.

  2. In line 21, replace the Feedback will appear here... text with a different placeholder. Use whatever variable name you want, but remember to surround it with double curly braces {{}}.

  3. Now open hexcode.py. In the hex_form() function, add hex and your feedback variable. Assign values to them.

    Also, add arguments to the render_template() function to pass the values to the template.

    def hex_form():
       hex = 'FF0000'
       feedback = ''
       return render_template('hex_form.html', hex=hex, feedback=feedback)
  4. Save your changes and make sure the webpage still works.

  5. In the Python code, change the value of hex to 00FF00, 0000FF, or 987654. Save, then refresh the page. It should respond differently to each of the values.

  6. Test your feedback placeholder by changing its string in the Python code.

  7. Once you have the template responding to the data you send to it, save and commit your work.

    Input fields responding to Python data.

    The values assigned in the Python code show up on the webpage.

21.9.3. Part C: Collect User Input

Right now, nothing much happens when you click the Check Hex Code button. You need to add more code so you can do something with the form data.

  1. In hex_form.html add action and method attributes inside the <form> tag. Assign them values of "/hex_form" and "POST", respectively. Refresh the webpage, then submit the form. You should see an error message.

    The "Method Not Allowed" error.

    Your form sends a POST request, but the Python function is expecting a GET request. This is why the page renders OK initially, but not after the button is clicked.

  2. To fix this, return to the hexcode.py file. Update the @app.route decorator to accept two types of HTTP requests. This should take care of the Method Not Allowed error.

    @app.route('/hex_form', methods=["GET", "POST"]) Check the Method

When the page first loads, the browser sends a GET request and receives the hex_form template from the Flask server. The browser sends a POST request when the form is submitted, and we want the page to change in response.

To make this happen, update your Python code.

  1. Add this conditional to the hex_form() function:

    def hex_form():
       if request.method == 'POST':
          # More code will go here...
          hex = 'FF0000'
          feedback = ''
       return render_template('hex_form.html', hex=hex, feedback=feedback)

    request.method returns the type of HTTP request received by the server. If request.method == 'POST' returns True, then the form was submitted. You need to recover the data.

  2. Use request.form to get the hex code and assign it to a variable.

    def hex_form():
       if request.method == 'POST':
          hex = request.form['hex']
          feedback = "Successful submission!"
          hex = 'FF0000'
          feedback = ''
       return render_template('hex_form.html', hex=hex, feedback=feedback)

    Line 11 recovers the value from the input element with name="hex".

  3. There is no form data for feedback, but it does need a value. Assign it any message you like on line 12.

  4. Save the changes, then reload the webpage. Use the form to submit several valid hex codes. You should see the input boxes change, and the feedback line should appear.

  5. What happens when you submit an INVALID hex code, like AA9?

  6. Be sure to commit your changes before continuing.


If the browser sends a GET request to the server, request.method == 'POST' returns False. In that case, the else clause runs. hex and feedback get assigned the default values of FF0000 and the empty sting.

You can make this happen by clicking in the address bar of the browser and tapping Enter. This resets the form to its original appearance.

21.9.4. Part D: Validate the Input

Your application is working now and transferring data between the Python code and the HTML template. The next step is to add validation to check if the user submits a valid color code.

The rules for hex codes are simple. They start with the # symbol, followed by 6 other characters. These characters can be any combination of digits (0-9) and the letters A-F.

As written, the HTML code includes the # symbol where it is needed. All you need to focus on is validating the 6 characters. You will do this in two steps. First, check the length of the input. Next, check the individual characters. Check Input Length

Perform the validation right after you collect the user’s hex code from the form.

if request.method == 'POST':
   hex = request.form['hex']
   # Your validation code goes here.
  1. hex must contain exactly 6 characters. Add a conditional to check the length of the string collected from the form.

  2. If the string is NOT 6 characters long:

    1. Assign an error message to the feedback variable. This should explain to the user why their code didn’t work.

    2. Re-assign a value to hex to replace the user’s invalid one. This can be the empty string or a valid code. (Keep in mind that this value of hex will be sent to the template).

  3. If the string is 6 characters long, assign the empty string to the feedback variable.

  4. Save, then refresh the form in the browser. Submit at least 3 hex codes to check your work (one too long, one valid, one too short).

Once you have the length validation working, save and commit your progress. Check Characters

You will use a separate function to check the characters in the hex code.

  1. Near the top of your Python program, define the valid_hex_chars function.

    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config['DEBUG'] = True
    def valid_hex_chars(parameter_name):
       # Your code here.
  2. The function should:

    1. Include a parameter that accepts the user’s hex code.

    2. Use a loop to check if each character is either a digit (0-9) or a letter (A-F). Case does NOT matter for the letters.

    3. Return True if all 6 characters are valid.

    4. Return False if even one character is incorrect.

  3. Back in the hex_form() function, modify your conditional by adding an elif clause:

    elif not valid_hex_chars(hex):
       # Your new code here.
       # Your old code here.
  4. Note that the elif statement calls the valid_hex_chars() function. If the hex characters are invalid, assign a different error message to the feedback variable.

  5. Save, then refresh the form in the browser. Submit several different hex codes to test this part of the validation.


    Valid hex codes: 987654, AaBbCf, 3CF98b

    Invalid hex codes: 1234AG, k23Wb4, 87*654