Filesystem and Paths ==================== .. index:: ! filesystem, ! directory, ! subdirectory single: directory; root single: directory; parent single: directory; sub A **filesystem** on a computer controls how data is stored and retrieved on the device. One important job of the system is to organize data in a series of files and folders. Inside a filesystem, folders are called **directories**. Folders nested inside other folders are called **subdirectories**. Folders that store others are called **parent directories**. .. admonition:: Example Most of us have a ``Desktop`` folder on our computers. If there is a folder on our Desktop called ``LCHS_Homework``, then the parent directory is ``Desktop`` and the subdirectory is ``LCHS_Homework``. Computer file systems start with one top-level directory that holds everything else on the machine. This is called the **root directory**. In most cases, the root directory refers to the primary hard drive. For Windows, that's the ``C drive``. On a Mac, we refer to the root directory with ``/``. .. index:: ! path single: path; absolute single: path; relative A **path** for files and folders is the list of directories that the computer must follow to find a particular item. This begins with the root directory and ends with the name of the required item. Think of a path as a set of directions to get from point A to point B. .. admonition:: Try It! #. Open the terminal on your device. The window won't show much, but the last line of text will include a prompt similar to: .. sourcecode:: bash Mac device_name:directory_name username$ Windows username@device_name MINGW64 path$ ``device_name`` is the name for your machine, like ``MyLaptop``. ``directory_name`` and ``path`` show your current location in the file system. ``username`` is you. ``MINGW64`` you can ignore. The symbol that appears after your username can vary (``$``, ``%``, ``>``, etc.), but it indicates where to type commands. #. At the prompt, type the command ``pwd`` and tap *Enter*. #. ``pwd`` stands for ``print working directory``. The output shows the path from the root directory to your current location in the file system. For example: .. sourcecode:: bash /Users/mjordan/lchs/projects File systems use two different types of paths: *absolute* and *relative*. The **absolute path** starts at the root directory and ends with the file name. The **relative path** starts at the current directory and ends with the file name. .. admonition:: Example Let's assume we have a file inside the ``LCHS_Homework`` directory called ````. The absolute path would look something like this: :: Mac: /Users/StudentName/Desktop/LCHS_Homework/ Windows: C:\windows\Desktop\LCHS_Homework\ If we are currently in the ``Desktop`` directory, then the relative path for ```` is: :: Mac: /LCHS_Homework/ Windows: \LCHS_Homework\ Many programmers use paths to navigate through the filesystem in the terminal. We will practice this in the next section. As we work with the CLI more, paying attention to correct file paths becomes very important! Picture This ------------ .. index:: ! file tree Computers are basically file storage systems. Sure, they have many applications installed, but where do these programs live? In directories, of course! **File trees** help us see the structure of the filesystem. They show the connections between different files and directories. We see them all the time when we open a window on our computer. For example: .. figure:: figures/library-file-tree.png :alt: File tree showing the contents of a "Library" folder. This file tree shows two levels of subfolders in the Library directory. The amount of indentation tells us which directories are at the same level (``Application Support`` and ``Audio``). It also helps us spot the subdirectories nested within a particular folder. The terminal gives us one way to navigate these directories. Let's use another file tree to help us visualize what a path represents. .. figure:: figures/laptop-file-tree.png :alt: File tree showing subdirectories and files inside the "MyLaptop" folder. :width: 70% A path provides directions for moving through the file tree. In this diagram, ``MyLaptop`` represents the parent directory. Subdirectories that are at the same level in the filesystem appear in the same row. Now imagine that we are standing inside of the file tree. A *path* gives us a map to follow to find a particular file or directory. For example, the path for the ``cake.jpg`` file is ``/MyLaptop/Photos/cake.jpg``. If we are standing inside the ``MyLaptop`` folder, the path tells us, *Move into the Photos subdirectory and look around. You should see a file called 'cake.jpg'.* For the ```` file, the path is ``/MyLaptop/School/LCHS/Homework/``. This map tells us, *Start in the MyLaptop directory. Move into the School folder, then the LCHS folder, then the Homework folder. Look around to find a file called ''.*