Project: Improve the User Experience ==================================== Recall the web form we created in :ref:`the last chapter `. As designed, if the user enters invalid data, they won't know about their mistake until they reach the results page. This flaw in the user interface (UI) lowers the quality of the user experience (UX). One common practice for web forms is to keep a user on the original page when they make a mistake. Also, displaying an error message about what went wrong gives the user a smooth way to make corrections. For this project, you will update a fake account sign-up page to improve the UI/UX. When a user submits invalid information, the following should happen: #. The form page will reload, #. All valid entries will remain in their input fields, #. One or more messages will appear explaining what went wrong, #. The user can re-enter information and submit again. When the user successfully fills out the form, they will be sent to a different webpage. Setup ----- The starter code for this project is saved in the same `GitHub repository `__ you used for the exercises. However, the project code is in a separate branch. #. Open the ``LCHS_flask_logic`` directory in Visual Studio Code. If you haven't downloaded it from GitHub yet, return to :ref:`the exercises ` and follow the instructions for cloning the project to your device. #. In the terminal, switch to the ``project-start`` branch: .. sourcecode:: bash $ git checkout project-start #. Just like you did for :ref:`the chapter exercises `, create and activate a new virtual environment. #. Install Flask. #. Save and commit your work. Run the Application ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Launch ```` and open the application in a new tab in your browser. As designed, the form works. Submitting a valid set of data will lead to a success page. However, the user interface needs some major fixes. Recall that part of a UI is the code that makes it work. However, the appearance of the interface is just as important. Part A: Clean Up the View ------------------------- The layout and colors on the page are a bit distracting. Since this is the sign-up page for your web application, it is the first thing new users see. If it gives them a poor UX, then they might decide NOT to join! Open the ``style.css`` and ``register.html`` files in Visual Studio Code. Make the following changes by adjusting the CSS style rules, adding ``class`` attributes inside the HTML tags, or adding new HTML code. #. Remove the yellow background color from the page. #. Fix the rainbow background in the header. Just because you *can* apply lots of color, doesn't mean you *should*. .. admonition:: Tip Note how the black letters in the heading stand out against the lighter colors, but get hard to read on top of the darker colors. The opposite would be true for a light text color. For best results, try to keep a consistent, sharp contrast between the text color and the background. #. Center the ``h2`` and ``form`` elements on the page. #. Inside the form, left-align the input labels and center the *Submit* button. #. Make the font size for the labels and input boxes large enough to easily read. #. Style the *Submit* button to make it stand out more. #. Below the form, display some rules for filling out the input fields: a. The username should be 3-8 characters long. It cannot contain spaces. b. The password needs to be 8 or more characters long, with no spaces. Also, it should contain at least one letter, one number, and one special symbol (``%``, ``#``, ``&``, or ``*``). #. Once you finish updating the appearance of the page, save and commit your work. The form looks better now, and it does work. However, try entering some invalid information and click *Submit*. Notice that the form gets erased, and this is a problem. The code behaves correctly by rejecting invalid entries. However, the user has no way of knowing this! To them, the form simply didn't work. To improve their experience, users need to receive some type of feedback whenever they submit a form. This will be your focus in the remaining sections. Part B: Keep Valid Entries -------------------------- One good way to improve the UX is to keep any *correct* entries in place and remove the incorrect ones. This becomes more and more important as the number of input fields increases. Open ```` and take a look inside the ``sign_up()`` function. The ``inputs`` dictionary organizes data for the form. Each key is the label for one of the input fields. Each value is a list with strings to assign to the ``type``, ``name``, and ``placeholder`` attributes. Inside ``register.html``, note how the ``for`` loop builds the labels and input fields for the form. .. admonition:: Example .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 7 {% for (label, values) in inputs.items() %} {% endfor %} #. **Line 7**: The ``label`` variable is assigned a key from the ``inputs`` dictionary. The ``values`` variable is assigned the list for that key. #. **Line 8**: Each time the loop repeats, the ``{{label}}`` placeholder is filled in by a key from the dictionary. The ``type``, ``name``, and ``placeholder`` strings are assigned from the ``values`` list. In order to save valid entries after the user submits the form, you need to update both the HTML and the Python code. Update ``register.html`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The template only needs one modification for this part. Inside the ``input`` tag, add the ``value="{{values[3]}}"`` attribute. If the user submits a valid entry, it will be saved in the ``values`` list. ``{{values[3]}}`` will place that value into the input field when the page reloads. If the user submits an invalid entry, ``values[3]`` will be assigned the empty string. This clears the input field when the page reloads. Update ```` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Return to ````. For each list in the ``inputs`` dictionary, add the empty string as the last element. .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 42 inputs = { # Label: [type, name, placeholder, value] 'Username': ['text', 'username', '3-8 characters, no spaces', ''], 'Password': ['password', 'password', '8 or more characters, no spaces', ''], 'Confirm Password': ['password', 'confirm', 'Retype the password', ''] } The first time the page loads, all of the input fields will be empty, and the ``placeholder`` text will appear. #. Examine the ``check_username()`` function. It defines two parameters, ``name`` and ``form_info``. ``name`` is the string the user submitted in the ``Username`` field. ``form_info`` refers to the ``inputs`` dictionary. The function returns ``True`` or ``False`` depending on whether or not ``name`` is valid (3-8 characters long, with no spaces). #. Add a conditional to the function. If ``True``, assign ``name`` to the ``Username`` list in the dictionary. .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 16 def check_username(name, form_info): if 3 <= len(name) <= 8 and ' ' not in name: form_info['Username'][3] = name return 3 <= len(name) <= 8 and ' ' not in name In line 18, ``form_info['Username'][3]`` refers to index 3 of the ``Username`` list. When the webpage loads, this entry will be assigned to the ``value`` attribute inside the ```` tag. #. Save your work, then reload the webpage. Test the code by entering a valid username and invalid password. Properly done, your correct entry should remain in the input field after the page reloads. Test the code again by entering an invalid username. This time, the name field should clear when the page reloads. #. Follow a similar process for the ``check_password()`` and ``check_confirm()`` functions. #. Check your work! There are six possible valid/invalid combinations to test with the form. Note that an invalid password should clear the *bottom two* input fields. Once your application passes all of the tests, save and commit your code. Part C: Display Error Messages ------------------------------ Your next step is to display error messages on the form page. Each message will appear below its matching input box. These alerts provide details for fixing any mistakes. Once again, you will need to work with the code in both the template and ````. #. In ``register.html``, add a paragraph element below the input. .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 7 {% for (label, values) in inputs.items() %}


{% endfor %} ``{{values[4]}}`` is a placeholder for the error message. If the entry is valid, this space will remain empty. If the entry is invalid, text will be inserted. Note that the ``class`` attribute applies some styling to the error text. #. In ````, add another empty string to the end of each list in the ``inputs`` dictionary. .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 42 inputs = { # Label: [type, name, placeholder, value, error_msg] 'Username': ['text', 'username', '3-8 characters, no spaces', '', ''], 'Password': ['password', 'password', '8 or more characters, no spaces', '', ''], 'Confirm Password': ['password', 'confirm', 'Retype the password', '', ''] } The first time the page loads, no error messages appear. #. Return to the ``check_username()`` function. An invalid username is either too long, too short, or contains spaces. Modify the conditional to check for each of these errors: .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 16 def check_username(name, form_info): if ' ' in name: form_info['Username'][4] = 'Username cannot contain spaces.' elif len(name) < 3 or len(name) > 8: form_info['Username'][4] = 'Username must be 3-8 characters long.' else: form_info['Username'][3] = name return 3 <= len(name) <= 8 and ' ' not in name a. **Lines 17 & 18**: Check for spaces in ``name``. If ``True``, replace the last entry in the ``Username`` list with an error message. b. **Lines 19 & 20**: Check if ``name`` is too short or too long. If ``True``, replace the last entry in the ``Username`` list with a different error message. c. **Lines 21 & 22**: If both conditions are ``False``, then ``name`` is valid. Store its value in the ``Username`` list, just like in part B. #. Save your work, then reload the webpage. Test by entering usernames that are too long, too short, or contain spaces. Make sure you see the proper error message each time. Also, be sure to enter a valid username (no error message should appear). #. Follow a similar process for the ``check_password()`` and ``check_confirm()`` functions. Be sure to test your application! Save and commit your code before moving to Part D. Part D: Redirect on Success --------------------------- OK, you've got the appearance, validation, and error messages in place. The final part of this project deals with what happens *after* a successful form submission. Note that the ``sign_up()`` function *redirects* the user to a success page if all of their entries are valid. .. sourcecode:: Python # If all of the input fields contain valid data, send the user to the success page. if check_inputs(username, password, confirm, inputs): return redirect('/success') As mentioned earlier :ref:`in this chapter `, ``redirect`` sends the program flow to a different path and function. In this case, the user sees a cheerful success message! However, what happens if a user guesses the path for the success page? .. admonition:: Try It! Reload the form page. Instead of filling in the input fields, enter ```` in the address bar. Whoa! Success without ANY valid data! Your application lets users access any webpage on your site if they know its URL. However, they should only be able to reach the success page if they submit valid data from the form. You need to fix this! #. In the ``return redirect()`` statement, add ``code = 307`` after the template name. #. In the ``success()`` function, add a conditional to check for a ``GET/POST`` request. a. If a ``GET`` request was made, ``redirect`` back to the form page. b. For a ``POST`` request, ``render`` the ``success.html`` template. #. Save, then reload the form page. Test your code by entering the URL for the success page in the address bar. You should be redirected back to the form. Also, make sure you wind up at the success page when you submit valid entries in the form! #. Demonstrate your finished application to your teacher. Once it checks out, save and commit your code. .. admonition:: Note ``code = 307`` is a crude way of restricting access to the success page, but it gets you thinking in the right direction. Unfortunately, exploring better ways to restrict access is beyond the scope of this text. Bonus Mission ------------- .. index:: ! message flashing In this project, you built code to display error messages inside a form. The goal was to provide feedback to the user so they could correct their mistakes. The Flask framework contains tools to handle user feedback. The process is called **message flashing**, and it gives developers a way to streamline their code. In ````, you kept track of messages as part of the ``inputs`` dictionary. With message flashing, Flask does this work automatically. The `Flask website `__ provides a short tutorial on how to set up and display ``flash`` messages. Take a look at the examples, and then refactor your application to use the ``flash`` tools. .. pull-quote:: Good applications and user interfaces are all about feedback. If the user does not get enough feedback they will probably end up hating the application. Flask provides a really simple way to give feedback to a user with the flashing system. -- Flask documentation