Merging in Git ============== Let's say we branch off of ``main`` to work on a new feature for our program. After some work, debugging, and several commits, we finally get the new code running (yay). Our next step is to git that code into the main branch of our program. .. index:: ! merge single: git; merge We do this by **merging** two separate branches. A merge takes the files and code from one branch and combines them to the files and code in another. As long as no problems occur, Git will automatically commit the combined files. The two branches become one, with a combined history and Git log. (We'll talk about the case when problems *do* occur a bit later). .. figure:: figures/git-merge.png :alt: Merging combines two Git branches into one. :width: 80% The ``html-code`` branch is merged into ``main``. How to Merge ------------ To combine two branches, we must check a few things first: #. Use ``git status`` to check both branches for uncommitted changes. If found, save them to the repository with ``git add .`` and ``git commit -m``. #. Once the line ``nothing to commit, working tree clean`` appears in the ``status`` output for both branches, they are ready to merge. #. Use ``git checkout`` to switch to the branch that will *receive* the other one. For example, if we want to merge ``html-code`` into ``main``, then we need to switch into ``main``. After completing these checks, the terminal syntax for a merge is: .. sourcecode:: bash git merge branch-name This merges ``branch-name`` into the current one. .. admonition:: Example Use the figure at the top of this page as a model. We want to merge the ``html-code`` branch into ``main``. After we finish the ``git status`` checks, the terminal output would look something like this: :: $ git branch * html-code main $ git checkout main Switched to branch 'main' $ git merge html-code Updating db231f2..5e43d6f index.html | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) The output after the ``git merge`` command will vary depending on the branches involved and how many changes need to be combined. Try It! ------- On the :ref:`previous page `, you created a second branch in the ``git_practice`` repository. Let's merge that branch into ``main``. #. In VS Code, use the terminal pane to navigate into the ``git_practice`` folder. #. Enter ``git branch`` to see a list of the branches in the repo. This will also indicate the current branch. #. Use ``git checkout`` to move into ``hello-branch``. #. Use ``git status`` to check for uncommitted changes in the branch. If necessary, add and commit those changes to the repo. #. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the ``main`` branch. #. Make sure you are in ``main``, then enter ``git merge hello-branch`` to combine the two branches. Properly done, you should see ```` appear in the file tree. #. Enter ``git log`` to see the updated history for the repo. Notice that it includes the commit messages from ``hello-branch`` in addition to one about the merge. .. _local-merge-conflict: Merge Conflicts --------------- The merge process usually runs smoothly. In the examples above, we changed the code in different files across two branches. These edits were small and didn't interfere with each other, so the merge was quick. However, sometimes there is a catch. .. index:: single: git; merge conflict single: merge; conflict A **merge conflict** occurs when we change the same lines of code in both branches. Git doesn't know which change to accept, so it flags the issue in an error message. The programmer must then fix the conflict by deciding which edits to keep and which ones to ignore. Merge conflicts might sound scary to new Git users. However, after fixing a few conflicts, solving the problems becomes routine. Merge conflicts don't always happen, but we need to git used to dealing with them when they appear. Every programmer deals with merge conflicts, and the best way to deal with them is to face them head on. Let's create a conflict on purpose. That way, we can practice resolving it. Conflict Demo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's return to the ``main`` branch in our ``git_practice`` repo. Make sure you have committed all recent changes before diving into the steps below. Setup ~~~~~ #. Add a new file called ``conflict_demo.txt``. The ``.txt`` extension means that this will be a simple text file instead of one that holds active code. For now, there is no need to type anything in the file. #. Use the usual ``status/add/commit`` process to save the text file to the repository. #. Use ``git checkout -b`` to create a new branch called ``make-conflict``. .. sourcecode:: bash :linenos: $ git checkout -b make-conflict Switched to a new branch 'make-conflict' $ git branch * make-conflict main OK. Let's do some typing in ``conflict_demo.txt``. Add Text In Both Branches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Open ``conflict_demo.txt`` in the VS Code editor. #. Add a few lines of text to the file. It doesn't matter what you write, as long as it's school-appropriate. #. Save the file, then add and commit the changes to the repo. .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict1.png :alt: Excerpt from Green Eggs & Ham added to the conflict_demo.txt file. :width: 80% Changes made to ``conflict_demo.txt`` in the ``make-conflict`` branch. #. Use ``git checkout`` to switch back to the ``main`` branch. #. Add a few lines of text to ``conflict_demo.txt``. Make sure these lines are different than the ones you used before. Save and commit the changes to the repo. .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict2.png :alt: Excerpt from the LCHS textbook added to the conflict_demo.txt file. :width: 80% Changes made to ``conflict_demo.txt`` in the ``main`` branch. .. _resolving-merge-conflict: Resolving the Conflict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Try merging the ``make-conflict`` branch into ``main``. :: $ git branch make-conflict * main $ git merge make-conflict Auto-merging conflict_demo.txt CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in conflict_demo.txt Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. #. The CONFLICT line tells us that Git hit a problem when it tried to merge the changes in the ``conflict_demo.txt`` file. The last line offers us some encouragement! Although the automatic merge failed, we can still fix things and save the result. #. Notice that the text in the editor is now highlighted: .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict3.png :alt: Green and blue highlighting points out the changes made in each branch. :width: 80% ``conflict_demo.txt`` was changed in both branches. The green area points out the changes made in our *current* branch (``main``), and the blue area shows the changes coming in from ``make-conflict``. #. Just above the green area, we see several options for resolving the conflict: a. **Accept Current Change** keeps the green highlighted text and ignores the the text coming in from the other branch (the blue content). Clicking on this option causes the result: .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict4.png :alt: Kept the changes made in the main branch. :width: 60% b. **Accept Incoming Change** keeps the blue highlighted text and uses it to replace the green content. The work from the incoming branch overrides the current one. Clicking on this option causes the result: .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict5.png :alt: Kept the changes made in the make-conflict branch. :width: 60% c. **Accept Both Changes** combines all of the changes. The incoming content gets inserted just after the existing lines. Clicking on this option causes the result: .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict6.png :alt: Kept the changes made in both branches. :width: 60% d. **Compare Changes** sets up a side-by-side comparison of the overlapping lines. You might find this view helpful at times. .. figure:: figures/merge-conflict7.png :alt: Side by side view of the changes made in each branch. :width: 80% #. Choose one of the ``Accept`` options, then save. Use ``git status`` to check the state of the branch, then ``add`` and ``commit`` to the repo. Congratulations! You just fixed your first merge conflict. :: $ git log commit 47f150deb908f93cc0161fd4bc5f3a4374cb29e3 Merge: ffc3860 2c5619e Author: Conflict Resolver Date: Thu Oct 29 10:18:47 2020 -0500 Resolved first merge conflict. Avoiding Conflicts ------------------ Git happens. Merge conflicts will pop up, but they're not a big deal. Still, the best way to handle them is to try to avoid them in the first place. Here are some tips: #. Deal with any uncommitted work before trying to merge. #. Try to avoid working on the same file, at the same time, in two different branches. #. Try to avoid adding code directly into ``main``. New ideas should be explored in a different branch first and then merged. Check Your Understanding ------------------------ .. admonition:: Question :: $ git log feature main * test A programmer is on the branch ``test`` and wants to merge ``feature`` into ``main``. What should they enter in the terminal? Assume that the status for all branches is clean. .. raw:: html
  1. git checkout feature, then git merge main.
  2. git checkout main, then git merge feature.
  3. git checkout main, then git merge test.
  4. git checkout feature, then git merge test.
  5. Just git checkout feature.

.. Answer = b.