.. _style-forms: Styling Forms ============= The forms we created in this chapter look pretty bland, since we stuck with plain HTML. For example: .. figure:: figures/bland-form.png :alt: A plain HTML form with the input fields too close together and a non-exciting appearance. Visually, the form needs some work. First, the input fields don't line up evenly. They don't have to, but aligning them makes our form look more professional. Next, it would be nice to put some space between the boxes to keep them from pushing right up against each other. Finally, the text is pretty plain, and the button blends into the background. Vanilla is a great ice cream flavor, but *vanilla HTML* makes a pretty weak web form. We want visitors to our site to have a good experience, and presenting an attractive page is a key part of this. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when coding a form. None of these items are *required*, but each one improves a user's experience with our work. #. Include a short heading that identifies the purpose of the form. #. Place only one input element on each line of the form. Vertically stacked fields are easier to navigate than side-by-side ones. #. For text inputs, try to keep the width of the boxes the same. Also, have the fields line up with each other. #. The part of the page that belongs to the form should be clear. Use shading or a border to separate the form from the other content on the page. #. Break longer forms into multiple sections. Each section should deal with related information. For example, name and email would go in one section, while options for a lunch order would go in another. #. The user shouldn't need to zoom in. Keep the font size large enough to easily read. (*Hint*: If your parent or teacher needs to squint and lean closer to the screen, bump up your font size). Fortunately, we can meet these guidelines by applying some CSS style rules! Add CSS ------- .. admonition:: Note One thing to keep in mind as we style our forms is that ``label``, ``input``, ``select``, ``textarea``, and ``button`` are all :ref:`inline elements `. Even if we put them on separate lines in our HTML code, they will appear in the same line of our webpage. Return to the ``main`` branch of your ``forms_chapter`` repository. Save and commit any work, then use ``git checkout -b`` to make a new branch called ``form-style``. Paste in this starter code for the ``form`` element: .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 10

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Save your work, then open the ``index.html`` file in your browser. Margins ^^^^^^^ .. index:: ! margin property Let's start by putting some space between the inputs in our form. We do this with the **margin** property. *Margin* sets the amount of whitespace that surrounds an element. The larger its value, the more spaced out two neighboring elements will be. #. Open the ``style.css`` tab in the editor below. Note how the ``margin`` property is assigned inside the element selector. Experiment with changing the number of pixels (``px``) assigned. #. What happens to the form if you add a ``label`` selector that also includes a ``margin`` value? .. raw:: html Once you finish exploring ``margin``, open Visual Studio Code and paste the CSS code into your local ``style.css`` file. Be sure to refresh the page in your browser to see how it looks. Field Size ^^^^^^^^^^ We can change the size of an input field with the ``width`` property. The value assigned can be in pixels or a percentage. Using a percentage is recommended, since this changes the field size to always fit within a given space. .. admonition:: Example Resize your browser window to see how these two fields respond: .. raw:: html

Note that the input field set at ``50%`` *always* stretches halfway across this Example box, no matter how small we make the window. The ``600px`` box remains the same size. #. In the editor above, add a ``width`` property to the ``input`` selector. Experiment by assigning different ``px`` and ``%`` values to the property. #. What about the ``type="number"`` input? That field doesn't need to be as large as the others. With CSS we can either add a *class* to set the width, or we can try out a new technique. Add this to the CSS code in the editor: .. sourcecode:: css input[type=number] { width: 10%; } ``input[type=number]`` sets the style rules for ``input`` elements that have the ``type="number"`` attribute. Since we don't include a ``margin`` property, the number type uses the value set in the other ``input`` selector. Once you finish exploring ``width``, paste the CSS code into your local ``style.css`` file. Save and commit your work. Button Style ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note that the HTML form uses ``