Exercises: Launch Form ====================== Hello, programmer. We need you to make a Rocket Simulation form. Please follow the steps below. Happy coding! Part A: Setup ------------- #. From the ``main`` branch in your ``forms_chapter`` repository, create a new branch called ``rocket-form``. #. In the new branch, create the ``rocket_sim.html`` and ``rocket.css`` files. #. Paste the following starter code into the HTML file: .. sourcecode:: html :linenos: Rocket Form #. Paste this code into the CSS file. .. sourcecode:: css :linenos: label { display: block; margin: 10px; } .. admonition:: Tip ``display: block;`` formats an element as a block-type. In this case, each ``label`` (and its wrapped input) will start on a new line. Now you won't need to use as many ``
`` elements to separate the rows in your form! #. Save and commit your work. Part B: First Input ------------------- #. Create a ``
`` with these attributes. a. Set ``method`` to ``"POST"`` b. Set ``action`` to ``"https://handlers.education.launchcode.org/request-parrot"``. #. Inside the ``form`` element, add a ``