Data Collection =============== On the previous page, we saw how to use the ``render_template()`` function to send data from Python to an HTML file. Our next step is to figure out how to move data in the opposite direction. For example, when a user clicks *Submit* after filling out a form, they send data to the web server. The HTTP request contains values for each of the input fields. As programmers, we need to be able to access this data and work with it in our Python code. To collect data from a webpage, we need to add another item to the ``import`` statement in ````: .. sourcecode:: Python from flask import Flask, render_template, request .. admonition:: Note ``request`` is an object, not a function. We will use *dot notation* to call its methods and access its properties: .. sourcecode:: Python request.property_name request.method_name() Collect Color ------------- Let's start by collecting one piece of data from our ``favorite_form.html`` template. When the user fills in the input fields and clicks *Submit*, we will send them to a different page that displays their choice. .. figure:: figures/color-submit.gif :alt: GIF showing the collection of a color value from the form. Collecting the color choice from the form. Update ``favorite_form.html`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The only change we need to make to our form template is to add the ``action`` and ``method`` attributes inside the ``
`` tag: .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 9

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Recall that ``action`` sends the form data to the URL for a server. In this case, it's the Flask server. The address ``/results`` identifies the route we will use in our Python code. Add a New Route ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When we click the *Submit* button, we send an HTTP request to the server. In ````, we need to add a function to deal with this request. Add this function to the Python code: .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 23 @app.route('/results', methods=["POST"]) def results(): color_choice = request.form['color'] return render_template('form_results.html', color = color_choice) Code breakdown: #. **Line 23**: The ``/results`` in the decorator matches the value assigned to ``action`` in the form. ``methods`` tells the program what types of HTTP requests to expect. In this case, only ``POST`` requests will be accepted. #. **Line 25**: Recall that we included a ``name`` attribute for each of the input fields in our form. ``request.form['color']`` pulls the value from the field named ``color`` and assigns it to the ``color_choice`` variable. #. **Line 27**: Renders the template called ``form_results.html`` and passes it the value for ``color_choice``. If we save the changes and navigate to ````, submitting the form produces an error. This is because the ``results()`` function calls for a template that we haven't created yet! Add the ``form_results`` Template ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the ``templates`` directory, create a new file called ``form_results.html``. Paste in this code: .. sourcecode:: html :linenos: Favorite Results

Favorite Results

Notice that the code includes a ``{{color}}`` placeholder. This variable name matches the argument from the ``render_template()`` function above. After saving the code, our web application can now handle the form submission. .. figure:: figures/color-submission.png :alt: Showing the submitted color on the results page. :width: 80% The value ``purple`` fills in for the ``{{color}}`` placeholder. Try It! ------- #. Update ``form_results.html`` to display the value from the ``Lucky Number`` field. .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 11
  • Favorite Color: {{color}}
  • Lucky Number: {{lucky_number}}
  • #. Update the ``results()`` function to collect the value from the ``Lucky Number`` input field. Also, update the ``return`` statement to send the lucky number to the template. .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 24 def results(): color_choice = request.form['color'] fav_num = request.form['luck_num'] return render_template('form_results.html', color = color_choice, lucky_number = fav_num) #. Save your code and check to make sure the form submission works. #. Repeat steps 1 - 3 for the rest of the fields in the form. .. figure:: figures/final-favorite.png :alt: Showing the 'results' page with all 4 labels and submitted values :width: 80% The ``form_results.html`` page showing four values collected from the form. Template Variable Names ----------------------- Notice that with the ``Lucky Number`` field, we wound up using 3 different variable names to refer to the same value. The input field had ``name="luck_num"``, the Python code used ``fav_num``, and the placeholder in the results template used ``lucky_number``. To avoid confusion, many developers prefer to use the SAME variable names between their Python code and the templates. With this in mind, we can *refactor* ```` and ``form_results.html`` to match the names used in ``favorite_form.html``. .. admonition:: Example ``favorite_form.html``: .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 11

    ````: .. sourcecode:: Python :lineno-start: 24 def results(): color = request.form['color'] luck_num = request.form['luck_num'] return render_template('form_results.html', color = color, luck_num = luck_num) ``form_results.html``: .. sourcecode:: html :lineno-start: 11
  • Favorite Color: {{color}}
  • Lucky Number: {{luck_num}}
  • Video Summary ------------- There are a LOT of details on this page. The video below is a little longer than the others in this chapter. .. raw:: html
    Check Your Understanding ------------------------ .. admonition:: Question Indicate whether each of the following is a *class*, *function*, *method*, or *object*. (Click on each option to display the answer). .. raw:: html
    1. Flask
    2. request
    3. render_template
    .. Answers = class, object, function .. admonition:: Question What goes inside the brackets for ``request.form['___']``? .. raw:: html
    1. The name of the input field from the form.
    2. The id of the input field from the form.
    3. The type of the input field from the form.
    4. The value of the input field from the form.

    .. Answer = a