.. _string-replace-examples: .. index:: single: string; replace ``replace`` Examples ==================== The general syntax for this method is: .. sourcecode:: python string_name.replace(a_string, replacement) This method returns a copy of ``string_name`` with every occurrence of ``a_string`` replaced by the ``replacement`` string. If ``a_string`` is NOT found in ``string_name``, then the original string gets returned. .. admonition:: Example .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: pets = 'Dogs and dogs and dogs!' print('Replace the spaces'.replace(' ', '-')) print(pets.replace('dog', 'cat')) print(pets.replace('zebra', 'anaconda') **Console Output** :: Replace-the-spaces Dogs and cats and cats! Dogs and dogs and dogs! .. admonition:: Note The ``replace`` method is case-sensitive. This is why ``Dog`` did not change to ``cat`` when line 4 printed to the console. Replace Less Than All --------------------- By default, the method replaces ALL occurrences of ``a_string`` with the ``replacement`` string. By adding a third parameter, we can tell Python how many replacements to make. The syntax is: .. sourcecode:: python string_name.replace(a_string, replacement, num_to_replace) ``num_to_replace`` must be an integer. .. admonition:: Example .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: produce = 'Bananas and rutabagas' print(produce.replace('a', 'u')) # Replaces all 'a' characters with 'u'. print(produce.replace('a', 'u', 2)) # Replaces the first 2 'a' characters with 'u'. **Console Output** :: Bununus und rutubugus Bununas and rutabagas