.. _string-lower-examples: .. index:: single: string; lower ``lower`` Examples ================== The general syntax for this method is: .. sourcecode:: python string_name.lower() This method returns a copy of ``string_name`` with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase. It leaves non-alphabetic characters alone. ``string_name`` can be a literal string, like ``'Hello'``, or it can be a variable that points to a string value. .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: print("LaunchCode".lower()) word = "Some Title With Non-letters!" print(word.lower()) **Output** :: launchcode some title with non-letters! .. _string-upper-examples: .. index:: single: string; upper ``upper`` Examples ================== The general syntax for this method is: .. sourcecode:: python string_name.upper() This method returns a copy of ``string_name`` with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase. It leaves non-alphabetic characters alone. ``string_name`` can be a literal string, like ``'Hello'``, or it can be a variable that points to a string value. .. admonition:: Example .. sourcecode:: python :linenos: email = username@some_site.org print("LaunchCode".upper()) print(email.upper()) **Output** :: LAUNCHCODE USERNAME@SOME_SITE.ORG