Chapter 13: Classes and Objects =============================== The answers on this page show ONE way to solve the :ref:`exercises `. However, there are usually OTHER ways to accomplish the same thing. This is OK! A suggested solution is ONE way to solve the problem, not the ONLY way. Chapter Sandbox --------------- Use the editor below to test out any of the solutions! .. raw:: html Solutions --------- In these exercises, you will create a ``Robot`` class and use it to create four ``Robot`` objects. You will also practice writing functions that display information about the objects and race them against each other. .. _chp13part1: Part 1: Create a New Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open up the starter code and notice that it imports the ``random`` module. Below the ``import`` statement, define the ``Robot`` class. Add Properties to ``Robot`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Inside the class, define the ``__init__`` method. It should include parameters for ``self``, ``name``, ``mass``, and ``year``. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: class Robot: #set up Robot Object Properties def __init__(self, name, mass, year): = name self.mass = mass self.year = year 2. Give a default value to ``year``. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: def __init__(self, name, mass, year = 1942): Before you move on, test your new class! In ``main()``: .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #a. Call the ``Robot`` class to create a new object. Assign it to a variable. robot_bob = Robot("Bob", 42, 1974) #Code to test creation of Robot class #b. Use dot notation to ``print`` the values for each property. print("\nRobot Information:") print(" Name: " + print(" Mass: " + str(robot_bob.mass) + "kg") print(" Year Made: " + str(robot_bob.year)) print(" Distance Traveled: " + str(robot_bob.distance)) Add Methods to ``Robot`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Below ``__init__``, define a second method called ``move()``. This method should: .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #a. Only take the ``self`` parameter. def move(self): #c. Increase the ``distance`` property by the number of steps. steps_taken = random.randint(1,10) self.distance += steps_taken 2. Add the ``__str__`` method to return a string of the object properties. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #returns a string of robot properties of our choosing def __str__(self): output = "\nRobot Info: \n Name: {0}\n Mass: {1} kg\n Year made: {2}\n Distance traveled: {3}" return output.format(, self.mass, self.year, self.distance) Test your methods! In ``main()``: .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #a. ``print`` the ``Robot`` object to check the output. #Code that calls the __str__ method print(robot_bob) :ref:`Back to the exercises `. .. _chp13part2: Part 2: Create Objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In part 1, you defined a class and created one ``Robot`` object in ``main()``. Now create three more objects: 3. Use a mass value from ``25`` to ``40``. (*Bonus*: Use ``randint`` to generate the mass value instead of hard-coding a number when you call the class). .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: robot_unimate = Robot("Unimate",random.randint(25, 40), 1954) robot_terry = Robot("Terry", random.randint(25, 40), random.randint(1923, 2022)) robot_jones = Robot("Jones", 42 , 1969) You now have 4 total robots. Add another statement in ``main()`` where you place the objects inside a list. Assign the collection to a variable called ``robots``. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: robots = [robot_bob, robot_unimate, robot_terry, robot_jones] Update Distances ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use a loop to iterate through the ``robots`` list. For each object, assign a random value to the ``distance`` property, from ``1000`` to ``3000`` steps. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #add in main for robot in robots: robot.distance = random.randint(1000, 3000) :ref:`Back to the exercises `. .. _chp13part3: Part 3: Find Oldest Robot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Between the class and ``main()``, define a function called ``oldest_robot``. It should: 2. Use a loop to iterate through the list. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: def oldest_robot(robot_list): robot_year = [] for robot in robot_list: robot_born = robot.year robot_year.append(robot_born) #index value of oldest robot in robot_list oldest = robot_year.index(min(robot_year)) 4. If two robots have the same ``year`` value, then the one with the largest ``distance`` will be older. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #year oldest robot was made oldest_robot_year = robot_year[oldest] #checking to see if more then one robot born in oldest_robot_year same_year = robot_year.count(oldest_robot_year) #more then one robot born in oldest year if same_year > 1: #distance in steps of oldest robot oldest_robot_distance = robot_list[oldest].distance for index in range(len(robot_year)): year = robot_list[index].year if year == oldest_robot_year: if robot_list[index].distance > oldest_robot_distance: oldest_robot_distance = robot_list[index].distance oldest = index #Return the index value for the oldest robot in the list. return oldest In ``main()``, call the ``oldest_robot`` function and use ``robots`` for the argument. Assign the returned index to a new variable. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #create variable and call function index_oldest = oldest_robot(robots) Print out a message describing the result: .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: print(f"\n{robots[index_oldest].name} is the oldest robot (made in {robots[index_oldest].year}, {robots[index_oldest].distance} steps).\n") :ref:`Back to the exercises `. .. _chp13part4: Part 4: Robot Races ------------------- Now it's time for the robots to compete against each other! Define the ``robot_race`` function that takes a list of robots as a parameter. Within the function: 1. Each robot takes a turn running a race. 2. A robot runs the race by calling its ``move()`` method several times. 3. A robot is done with the race when it moves 30 steps or more. 4. Create a new list to store how many turns it takes each robot to complete the race. Use the string: ``'____ took ____ turns to take 30 steps.'`` Fill in the blanks with the robot’s name and race result. .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #create empty list for results of each robot(part 4) results = [] #loop thru robots(part 1) for robot in robots: #set variables steps = 0 turns = 0 #keep taking turns until robot gets at least 30 steps(part 2-3) while steps <= 30: steps += robot.move() turns += 1 #add string with robot results to results list(part 4) results.append(f"{} took {turns} turns to take {steps} steps.") 5. Print the results to the console (one robot per line). .. sourcecode:: Python :linenos: #in main #create variable and call function robot_race_results = robot_race(robots) for result in robot_race_results: print(result) :ref:`Back to the exercises `.