27.8. Studio: TypeScript

Let's practice TypeScript by creating classes for rocket cargo calculations.

27.8.1. Starter Code

If you have not already done so, follow the instructions given in the TypeScript exercises to fork the GitHub repository.

Use the terminal to check that you are in the master branch, then navigate into the studio folder.

$ git branch
   * master
$ pwd
$ ls
   exercises       studio
$ cd studio
$ ls
   index.ts    Payload.ts

From the file tree in VSCode, open the index.ts file.

VSCode file tree for the TypeScript studio.

27.8.2. Requirements

  1. Create classes for Astronaut, Cargo, and Rocket. (Details below).
    1. All classes should be defined in their own files.
  2. Use the new classes to run a simulation in the index.ts file.

In the starter code, you will notice that an interface named Payload has been declared. This interface ensures that any class that implements it will have a massKg property.

27.8.3. Classes

  1. Create three new files---Astronaut.ts, Cargo.ts, and Rocket.ts. To do this in VSCode, click the "New File" button and enter the file name. Another option is to run the command touch new_file_name in the terminal.

    VSCode new file button.
  2. Define each class (Astronaut, Cargo, Rocket) in a separate file. Each class should be exported using export.

    export class Astronaut {
       // properties and methods
  3. As needed, the classes can be imported using import.

    import { Astronaut } from './Astronaut'; Astronaut Class

  1. Defined in Astronaut.ts
  2. Implements the Payload interface
  3. Properties
    1. massKg should be a number.
    2. name should be a string.
  4. Constructor
    1. Parameter massKg should be a number.
    2. Parameter name should be string.
    3. Sets value of this.massKg and this.name. Cargo Class

  1. Defined in Cargo.ts
  2. Implements the Payload interface
  3. Properties
    1. massKg should be a number.
    2. material should be a string.
  4. Constructor
    1. Parameter massKg should be a number.
    2. Parameter material should be a string.
    3. Sets value of this.massKg and this.material Rocket Class

  1. Defined in Rocket.ts.
  2. Properties:
    1. name should be a string.
    2. totalCapacityKg should be a number.
    3. cargoItems should be an array of Cargo objects.
      • Should be initialized to an empty array []
    4. astronauts should be an array of Astronaut objects.
      • Should be initialized to an empty array []
  3. Constructor:
    1. Parameter name should be a string.
    2. Parameter totalCapacityKg should be a number.
    3. Sets value of this.name and this.totalCapacityKg
  4. Methods:
    1. sumMass( items: Payload[] ): number
      • Returns the sum of all items using each item's massKg property
    2. currentMassKg(): number
      • Uses this.sumMass to return the combined mass of this.astronauts and this.cargoItems
    3. canAdd(item: Payload): boolean
      • Returns true if this.currentMassKg() + item.massKg <= this.totalCapacityKg
    4. addCargo(cargo: Cargo): boolean
      • Uses this.canAdd() to see if another item can be added.
      • If true, adds cargo to this.cargoItems and returns true.
      • If false, returns false.
    5. addAstronaut(astronaut: Astronaut): boolean
      • Uses this.canAdd() to see if another astronaut can be added.
      • If true, adds astronaut to this.astronauts and returns true.
      • If false, returns false.

27.8.4. Simulation in index.ts

Paste the code shown below into index.ts.

 1import { Astronaut } from './Astronaut';
 2import { Cargo } from './Cargo';
 3import { Rocket } from './Rocket';
 5let falcon9: Rocket = new Rocket('Falcon 9', 7500);
 7let astronauts: Astronaut[] = [
 8   new Astronaut(75, 'Mae'),
 9   new Astronaut(81, 'Sally'),
10   new Astronaut(99, 'Charles')
13for (let i = 0; i < astronauts.length; i++) {
14   let astronaut = astronauts[i];
15   let status = '';
16   if (falcon9.addAstronaut(astronaut)) {
17      status = "On board";
18   } else {
19      status = "Not on board";
20   }
21   console.log(`${astronaut.name}: ${status}`);
24let cargo: Cargo[] = [
25   new Cargo(3107.39, "Satellite"),
26   new Cargo(1000.39, "Space Probe"),
27   new Cargo(753, "Water"),
28   new Cargo(541, "Food"),
29   new Cargo(2107.39, "Tesla Roadster"),
32for (let i = 0; i < cargo.length; i++) {
33   let c = cargo[i];
34   let loaded = '';
35   if (falcon9.addCargo(c)) {
36      loaded = "Loaded"
37   } else {
38      loaded = "Not loaded"
39   }
40   console.log(`${c.material}: ${loaded}`);
43console.log(`Final cargo and astronaut mass: ${falcon9.currentMassKg()} kg.`);

27.8.5. Compile and Run index.ts

  1. Use the terminal in VSCode to compile your index.ts file. This will also compile the modules you imported into the file (Astronaut.ts, Rocket.ts, etc.).
  2. Use the command node index.js to run the JavaScript file created during the build process.
$ ls
   Astronaut.ts    Cargo.ts        Payload.ts      Rocket.ts       index.ts
$ tsc index.ts
$ ls
   Astronaut.js    Cargo.js        Payload.js      Rocket.js       index.js
   Astronaut.ts    Cargo.ts        Payload.ts      Rocket.ts       index.ts
$ node index.js Expected Console Output

Mae: On board
Sally: On board
Charles: On board
Satellite: Loaded
Space Probe: Loaded
Water: Loaded
Food: Loaded
Tesla Roadster: Not loaded
Final cargo and astronaut mass: 5656.78 kg.

27.8.6. Submitting Your Work

  1. Once you have your project working, use the terminal to commit and push your changes up to your forked GitHub repository.
  2. Login to your account and navigate to your project. Copy the URL.
  3. In Canvas, open the TypeScript studio assignment and click the "Submit" button. An input box will appear.
  4. Paste the URL for your GitHub project into the box, then click "Submit" again.