10.10. Exercises: Functions

To solve problems with code, you need to be able to break large problems into small ones. Usually, these smaller problems will take the form of functions that are used to solve the larger problem. Therefore, to solve problems with code, you need to be skilled at writing functions. And to master functions, you need to write a lot of them.

These exercises ask you to write many relatively small functions, which combine to form larger, more complicated ones.

At the end, you will be able to create strings of shapes, like this nifty diamond:


There is no starter code for these exercises, so create a new Node.js project at repl.it to get started.

10.10.1. Rectangles

  1. Write a function makeLine(size) that returns a line with exactly size hashes.


    Console Output


    Check your solution.

  2. Write a function called makeSquare(size) that returns a size by size string of hashes. The function should NOT print each row of the square. Instead, it must return a single string that contains the entire shape.


    1. Call your makeLine function to create each row of the square.
    2. The newline character, \n, will be helpful to you.
    3. Do NOT include a newline character at the end of your string.

    Console Output



    For each of the shape exercises, do not include a newline character at the very end of your string. While the final \n might not be noticeable for the simpler shapes, including it will make life harder for you toward the end of the exercises.

  3. Write a function makeRectangle(width, height) that returns a rectangle with the given width and height. Use your makeLine function to do this.

    console.log(makeRectangle(5, 3));

    Console Output


    Check your solution.

  4. Now, go back and rewrite makeSquare to use makeRectangle.

10.10.2. Triangles

  1. Write a function makeDownwardStairs(height) that prints the staircase pattern shown below, with the given height. Use your makeLine function to do this.


    Console Output


    Check your solution.

  2. Write a function makeSpaceLine(numSpaces, numChars) that returns a line with exactly the specified number of spaces, followed by the specified number of hashes, followed again by numSpaces more spaces.

    console.log(makeSpaceLine(3, 5));

    Console Output



    We have inserted underscores to represent spaces, so they are visible in the output. Don't do this in your code.

  3. Write a function makeIsoscelesTriangle(height) that returns a triangle of the given height.


    Console Output



    Consider the top line of the triangle to be level 0, the next to be line 1, and so on. Then line i is a space-line with height - i - 1 spaces and 2 * i + 1 hashes.

    Check your solution.

10.10.3. Diamonds

  1. Write a function makeDiamond(height) that returns a diamond where the triangle formed by the top portion has the given height.


    Console Output



    Consider what happens if you create a triangle and reverse it using our reverse function.

10.10.4. Bonus Mission

Refactor your functions so that they take a single character as a parameter, and draw the shapes with that character instead of always using '#'. Make the new parameter optional, with default value '#'.