Using a Template ================= In the :ref:`next video `, you will extend your ``hello-spring`` project and practice using Thymeleaf templates as you code along with the clip. Before you get there, however, we need to review a few core skills and best-practices. Passing Data to a Template --------------------------- The controller class contains methods that send data to different templates. These methods have a structure similar to: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: public String methodName(Model model) { // method code here model.addAttribute("variableName", variableValue); return "pathToTemplate"; } Each method that sends data to a template requires: #. A ``Model`` parameter (line 1). This object stores the variable names and values that get passed into a template. #. One or more ``addAttribute`` statements that add data to the ``model`` object (line 5). ``variableName`` must be a string. ``variableValue`` can be a variable of any type, a number, a 'character', or a "string". #. A ``return`` statement of type ``String``. #. The ``return`` string contains the path and file name for the desired template (line 7). For example, if our ``templates`` folder contains a subfolder called ``animals`` that holds a template called ``dogs.html``, then the return statement would be ``return "animals/dogs";``. Accessing Data in a Template ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thymeleaf commands appear (in most cases) as *attributes* within a standard HTML tag. Each command starts with the prefix ``th``, followed by a keyword. .. sourcecode:: html The code inside the quotation marks will vary depending on the keyword. Usually, this will involve the data passed in from the controller. The data available to a template includes any variables and values stored in the ``model`` object, and these will be accessed with the syntax ``${variableName}``. For example, if the controller stores data in the ``name`` variable, then the template can display that value like so: .. sourcecode:: html

In essence, ``th:text`` says, *Take the value of the variable inside the ${} and display it as the text for this element*. If ``name`` stores the string "Rutabaga", then when the program runs, the code interprets ``

`` in the same way as: .. sourcecode:: html


By using ``th:text = "${name}"``, we make our webpage *dynamically* display data within the ``p`` element. Changing the value of ``name`` leads to a corresponding change in the text in the view after refreshing. Setting Default Text --------------------- What if we want to view our template without running the program? As mentioned earlier in the chapter, Thymeleaf files can be opened in a browser and displayed as a webpage. With no data, however, opening a template shows blank spaces wherever information from the controller is expected. Fortunately, we can add some default text within the framework to give us an idea of what the page will look like when we start the program. To include default text in our template, simply include some *placeholder* information inside the elements that contain a Thymeleaf attribute. .. sourcecode:: HTML :linenos:

Default Title

Don't Panic

The text ``Default Title``, ``Don't Panic``, and ``LaunchCode`` appear if we open the template file in a browser. When the program runs, however, these text samples will be replaced by the values stored in the ``title``, ``bookQuote``, and ``linkText`` variables. In most cases, you will never see the default text in your live webpage. Including it helps, however, if you need to visualize your planned layout for the webpage before your project is completely finished. .. admonition:: Tip Best-practice encourages us to include default text in our templates. This improves the readability of the code, and it gives an outside observer a better idea of the structure of the webpage. Default text also indicates what data will appear in different sections. Organizing Templates --------------------- As any project grows, the number of templates required to build the website will increase. Instead of just throwing all of the files into the ``templates`` folder, best-practice mandates that we place related items into subfolders. For example, if we build a website for a zoo, we can help ourselves immensely if we avoid a ``templates`` folder with a single level of files for every animal or feature of the site. A better approach would be to divide the templates into related categories like ``feedingSchedules``, ``concessions``, ``donations``, ``pachyderms``, etc. Each subfolder can also hold finer categories as needed. The goal is to consolidate your files into related groups. That way, you only need to use a single file path in a given controller. This improves the efficiency of your code, saves you from getting a headache trying to find and fix a specific file, and streamlines updates by reducing the lines of code that need to be modified. Check Your Understanding ------------------------- .. admonition:: Question Given the code: .. sourcecode:: html

Name: Default

What will be displayed on the screen if the controller sends in a ``name`` variable with a value of "Blake"? #. Name: Default #. Name: Blake #. Blake: Default #. Blake .. Answer = Blake (d) .. admonition:: Question We want a list element to read, "Item name: ______, Price = ______", where the blanks need to be filled in with ``name`` and ``price`` values sent from the controller. Which of the following will produce the desired result? #. ``
  • `` #. ``
  • `` #. ``
  • Item name: , Price =
  • `` #. ``
  • Item name: ${name}, Price = ${price}
  • `` .. Answer = a