Conditionals ============ Control flow statements in Java --- conditionals and loops --- are very straightforward. .. index:: ! Operators Operators --------- Before we review the syntax for conditionals, let's go over the comparison and logical operators that we need to use in control flow statements. Comparison Operators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Comparison Operators :header-rows: 1 * - Operator - Description * - ``==`` - Checks if two items are equal * - ``!=`` - Checks if two items are not equal * - ``<`` - Checks if item on left is lesser than item on right * - ``<=`` - Checks if item on left is lesser than or equal to item on right * - ``>`` - Checks if item on left is greater than item on right * - ``>=`` - Checks if item on left is greater than or equal to item on right Logical Operators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Logical Operators :header-rows: 1 * - Operator - Description * - ``&&`` - Combines two expressions with AND, returns true if both statements are true * - ``||`` - Combines two expressions with OR, returns true if at least one of the statements is true * - ``!`` - Reverses the evaluation of the operand, returns false if the result is true .. index:: ! if statement ``if`` Statements ----------------- Let’s consider an **if statement** with no ``else`` clause. In Java this pattern is simply written as: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: if (condition) { statement1 statement2 ... } You can see that in Java the curly braces define a block. Parentheses around the condition are required. .. index:: ! else clause ``if else`` ----------- Adding an **else clause**, we have: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: if (condition) { statement1 statement2 ... } else { statement1 statement2 ... } .. index:: ! else if ``else if`` ----------- An **else if** construction in Java: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: import java.util.Scanner; public class ElseIf { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter a grade: "); int grade = in.nextInt(); if (grade < 60) { System.out.println('F'); } else if (grade < 70) { System.out.println('D'); } else if (grade < 80) { System.out.println('C'); } else if (grade < 90) { System.out.println('B'); } else { System.out.println('A'); } } } .. index:: ! switch, ! case, ! break .. _switch-statements: ``switch`` Statements --------------------- Java also supports a **switch** statement that acts something like an ``else if`` statement under certain conditions, called **cases**. The ``switch`` statement is not used very often, and we generally recommend you avoid using it. It is not as powerful as the ``else if`` model because the ``switch`` variable can only be compared for equality with a very small class of types. Here is a quick example of a ``switch`` statement: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: import java.util.Scanner; public class DayPrinter { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter an integer: "); int dayNum = in.nextInt(); String day; switch (dayNum) { case 0: day = "Sunday"; break; case 1: day = "Monday"; break; case 2: day = "Tuesday"; break; case 3: day = "Wednesday"; break; case 4: day = "Thursday"; break; case 5: day = "Friday"; break; case 6: day = "Saturday"; break; default: // in this example, this block runs if none of the above blocks match day = "Int does not correspond to a day of the week"; } System.out.println(day); } } In the example above, here's the output if a user enters the number ``4``. .. sourcecode:: bash Enter an integer: 4 Thursday And the output if that user enters ``10``? Below: .. sourcecode:: java Enter an integer: 10 Int does not correspond to a day of the week Here's how the above example looks using the ``else if`` construction: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: import java.util.Scanner; public class DayPrinter { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter an integer: "); int dayNum = in.nextInt(); String day; if (dayNum == 0) { day = "Sunday"; } else if (dayNum == 1){ day = "Monday"; } else if (dayNum == 2){ day = "Tuesday"; } else if (dayNum == 3){ day = "Wednesday"; } else if (dayNum == 4){ day = "Thursday"; } else if (dayNum == 5){ day = "Friday"; } else if (dayNum == 6){ day = "Saturday"; } else { day = "Int does not correspond to a day of the week"; } System.out.println(day); } } .. index:: ! fallthrough Fallthrough ^^^^^^^^^^^ Additionally, if **break statements** are omitted from the individual cases on accident, a behavior known as `fallthrough `__ is carried out. **Fallthrough** can be quite unintuitive, and is only desirable in very specific circumstances. We will discuss ``break`` statements in more detail in the loop section below. For now, just know that when used in a ``switch`` block, they terminate the ``switch`` statement they are in, so the flow of control in your program moves to the next statement after the switch block. Here’s a quick example of how fallthrough works: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: import java.util.Scanner; public class DayPrinter { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Enter an integer: "); Scanner in = new Scanner(; int dayNum = in.nextInt(); String day; switch (dayNum) { case 0: day = "Sunday"; case 1: day = "Monday"; case 2: day = "Tuesday"; case 3: day = "Wednesday"; case 4: day = "Thursday"; case 5: day = "Friday"; case 6: day = "Saturday"; default: // in this example, this block runs even if one of the above blocks match day = "Int does not correspond to a day of the week"; } System.out.println(day); } } This time, without the ``break`` statements in each ``case``, if the user enters ``4``, they will see the default output: .. sourcecode:: bash Enter an integer: 4 Int does not correspond to a day of the week This is because after the ``switch`` statement matches the ``case`` for ``4`` and assigns the value ``Thursday`` to the variable ``day``, it proceeds to execute every statement in every case that follows, all the way through the ``default`` case. So the ``String`` that ends up being printed will reflect the last executed statement in the ``switch`` block. Along similar lines, consider this variation on the code block above: .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: import java.util.Scanner; public class DayPrinter { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Enter an integer: "); Scanner in = new Scanner(; int dayNum = in.nextInt(); String day; switch (dayNum) { case 0: day = "Sunday"; case 1: day = "Monday"; case 2: day = "Tuesday"; case 3: day = "Wednesday"; case 4: day = "Thursday"; case 5: day = "Friday"; case 6: day = "Saturday"; break; default: day = "Int does not correspond to a day of the week"; } System.out.println(day); } } Here, we have a ``break`` statement in ``case 6`` after ``day = "Saturday";``. If the user enters ``4``, the execution will fallthrough until it reaches that ``break`` statement and ``Saturday`` is printed instead of ``Thursday``. The output: .. sourcecode:: bash Enter an integer: 4 Saturday References ---------- - `Operators ( `__ - `The if-then and if-then-else Statements ( `__ - `The switch Statement ( `__ Check Your Understanding ------------------------- .. admonition:: Question When does fallthrough occur in Java? #. Omitting an ``else`` clause from a conditional. #. Omitting an ``else`` clause from switch statement. #. Omitting a ``default`` case from a ``switch`` statement. #. Omitting a ``break`` line from a ``switch`` statement. .. ans: Omitting a break line from a switch statement. .. admonition:: Question .. sourcecode:: java :linenos: import java.util.Scanner; public class QuizQuestion { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Are you a space cadet? yes or no"); Scanner in = new Scanner(; String response =; switch (response) { case "yes": System.out.println("Greetings cadet."); case "no": System.out.println("Greetings normie."); default: System.out.println("Are you an alien?"); } } } Given the code above, what prints if the user enters ``no`` after the prompt? #. .. sourcecode:: bash Greetings cadet. #. .. sourcecode:: bash Greetings normie. #. .. sourcecode:: bash Greetings normie. Are you an alien? #. .. sourcecode:: bash Greetings cadet. Greetings normie. .. ans: Greetings normie. Are you an alien?