.. _classes-exercises-part2: Exercises: Objects and Classes, Part 2 ======================================= Work on these exercises in the IntelliJ ``java-web-dev-exercises`` project. You will update your ``Student.java`` file by implementing the ``addGrade`` and ``getGradeLevel`` methods that were sketched out in the :ref:`Instance Methods ` section. The ``getGradeLevel`` Method ----------------------------- This method returns the student's level based on the number of credits they have earned: Freshman (0-29 credits), Sophomore (30-59 credits), Junior (60-89 credits), or Senior (90+ credits). :ref:`Check your solution ` The ``addGrade`` Method ------------------------ This method accepts two parameters---a number of course credits and a numerical grade (0.0-4.0). With this data, you need to update the student’s GPA. GPA Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GPA is computed via the formula: gpa = (total quality score) / (total number of credits) #. The *quality score* for a class is found by multiplying the letter grade score (0.0-4.0) by the number of credits. #. The *total quality score* is the sum of the quality scores for all classes. For example, if a student received an "A" (worth 4 points) in a 3-credit course and a "B" (worth 3 points) in a 4-credit course, their total quality score would be: 4.0 * 3 + 3.0 * 4 = 24. Their GPA would then be 24 / 7 = 3.43. Determine the New GPA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To update the student's GPA: #. Calculate their *current* total quality score by using the formula ``gpa * numberOfCredits``. #. Use the new course grade and course credits to update their total quality score. #. Update the student's total ``numberOfCredits``. #. Compute their new GPA. :ref:`Check your solution ` ``toString`` and ``equals`` ---------------------------- #. Add custom ``equals()`` and ``toString()`` methods to the ``Student`` class. :ref:`Check your solution ` #. Add custom ``equals()`` and ``toString()`` methods to the ``Course`` class which you started in the exercises for the :ref:`previous chapter `.