.. _enums-exercise-solutions: Exercise Solutions: Enum Practice ================================= .. _enums-exercise-solutions5: 5. Before adding any other fields to ``Planets``, go to ``PlanetController`` and update the index handler to pass in a ``Model`` class argument (eg. ``Model model``). .. sourcecode:: java @GetMapping() public String displayIndex(Model model) { model.addAttribute("planets", Planets.values()); return "index"; } :ref:`Back to the exercises ` .. _enums-exercise-solutions7: 7. In ``templates/index``, create a list element and use the template variable you have just defined in the controller to list all of the planet values on the page. .. sourcecode:: html
:ref:`Back to the exercises ` .. _enums-exercise-solutions9: 9. Update the template to display the planet names. .. sourcecode:: html
:ref:`Back to the exercises ` .. _enums-exercise-solutions11: 11. Change the index template to display a table of each planet name and its year in earth days. #. In ``templates/index``, create a table element and add the appropriate bootstrap class. #. The table can be styled to your liking. #. Add a message to let the users know what data you are displaying with the ``yearLength`` field. .. sourcecode:: html :linenos:
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